Plateau - HELP - any words of encouragment or hints...
Well, I hit my 3 month mark on Tuesday. I have been trying not to panic the past week or so, but I am STUCK!!!!! I have been at the same weight for over 1-1/2 weeks. I have lost 70 lbs so far. Everything was going great and "BAMM" into a wall. I am trying not to get discourage, but I am starting to think I went through all this and I am finished. I still have approx 160 lbs. to go.
Has anyone else run into this problem? Any hints, suggestions on how to over come it? I am trying to stay posative and not give up. When eatiung is an emotional reaction - this stress is magnified with fighting that battle as well.
So... please!!! I have come so far and Ijust can not ose it now..
Thank you all so much!
This is very typical. One day you will step on the scale and 5 pounds will be gone all at once. I'm 3 months ahead of you and I have stalled a few times. With me, the weight loss has a lot to do with what "time of the month" it is. You may even be retaining some water due to this heat. I know it's hard, but try and relax about it and trust that you are going to lose weight.
Take care,