Yes, it's offical!! I have a DATE!!!!!!!!!
My date is September 12 2006...............I have a lot to do in the meantime. I have to have two pre test dates 8-30 & 9-6...And I have to get an updated pap and mammogram and a gall bladder ultrasound...But it is SO worth it now, knowing what I am working for..... Thanks to everyone that supported me and emcouraged me through the past two years! I know I sure would have given up before now if it wasn't for you guys!
YEahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Debbie. I had my surgery last year SEPT 21 2005. I am at my goal at 150 ( 10 Months) Yes Your going to do the same.(DEBBIE) Excercise after surgery is a must if you want to trim down without any other surgerys. And I get to watch you shrink and grow as a person. I am truly so happy for you. For never giving up your dreammmmmm. of a healthy lifestyle, and also Debbbie it is a hell of a ride. Dont eat to many last meals. LOL before surgery. I ate one of my favorites everynight until my surgery. I gained weight.
My surgeon doesn't require you to lose weight before surgery, you just can't gain any..Andf I was comfotable with that, until it was taking so long to get approved. I started out last year at 292 at consult...Well last October I got depressed about the first denial and no energy and no money, so my pcp put me on Paxil and I gained a few pounds then after Christmas I stopped taking it and gained a few more so in April I weighed 302..Then I started taking the Requip for restless legs and I have lost almost 30 pounds since then..I know it is because I am not eating in the middle of the night like I was before.. The legs would wake me up and I would go to the bathroom, which was on the other side of the kitchen. So I would grab something to eat each time I walked through.. Now I only get up once a night ( more if one of the kids wakes up). I don't have an offical weight but I am thinking it's 275.. My scale says 270 but it is always less than the doctor's...I am trying not to do the last meal syndrome, since I did it for a couple of months when I decided to have the surgery. I am to the point where I am so ready for the surgery that I have been trying to ease myself into the routine that I will be in after surgery.. I gave up carbonated stuff a year and a half ago. I have been trying to give up bread and pasta and sugar.. I eat a few slices of bread a week, maybe a couple bites of pasta and almost no sugar...Now that's ALMOST no sugar as I am sitting here with a bowl of ice cream in front of me. Just a little bowl, just enough for the taste.. But it's funny, I used not be able to stop and I am teaching myself (slowly) to walk away from the food....I find myself handing my food to someone else in the house. Like if someone wants a bite I just say, take the rest...I have never been able to do that. I still think that I may have one last binge I just haven't decided what it is going to be.
Thanks for the support you have given me...
Debbie , I am soooo happy for you !!!!! you are soo smart trying to change your habits now i know my approval process took a year and i went thru the last supper several times over !!LOL but my dr put me on optifast for 1 moth before and i think it was the best possible thing he could have done for me ... i am 2 weeks out and havnt had any food depravation issues whatsoever and i got over beiing hungry before i even went into surgery ... well we will keep you in our prayers ... if i learned anything through this is the power of prayer ... happy pre testing and keep us posted !!! Hugs Missy
Deb I was 272 my surgeon said I was 277 I lost 36 the first month. Your really ready. That is going to be a big plus for you. The first month was hell for me. After that first month around the 6th week. TThat is when I felt normal again. When I got back on the solid foods. and got all my energy back. Just think about how sexy you will look next spring. Really around Christmas. I started feeling really skinny at 220 Now im 150 I feel like a bean pole. But I did keep my curves. with excercise. I preach that so much on here. I am sure someone would love to shove an elliptical down my throat. LOL
Have a good night