How much r u eating 1 yr out?
I've struggle w/ eating over the last few months and I have read many article on were I should be. Must say 1 yr out should eat 1 cup to 1 cup &1/2 of food per serving. Some other one's say no more than ¾ cup (6oz). I would like to know if anyone could suggest what is a good portion size or do it depend on you?
I eat about 4 ounces at a time. Of course it depends on what I am eating also. Chicken I can only do about 2 ounces at one time. Other things I can eat more of. I eat about 6 times per day though. I am almost 2 years out, and it took me about 18 months before I felt like I could eat normally. Everyone is different though. I have friends who eat more at a meal and only eat 3 times per day. Good luck!
Just like everyone else it all depends on what is going to be going in. If I'm eating a salad I can usually eat over 2 cups. If its solid like some beef, lamb or pork I think about 2 ounces. I sometimes think I can really pack it in and I have shocked some as to how much I can and do eat at times. I even shock myself for that matter. Anyway, let your tummy be the judge and you will be fine. Pam
Hi Charmaine
I'm just like the others. If I sticking to the meats and cheese - which I try to do - I can eat a couple of ounces at a time. If I go to a restaurant, I'll have something like a chicken breast and can eat most of it if I don't have the bun or any sides. If I have 1/4 of the bun and some veggeies, then I can only eat 1/2 or less.
BTW - we should get together. I would love to connect with more Columbus people.