Getting program fee reimbursed?
I'm trying to get the program fee that I am paying prior to the surgery reimbursed through my insurance, since it is $600 out of pocket. Unfortunately, the billing office is unable to provide procedure codes for me. The insurance company, of course, is not able to reimburse without procedure codes. The program fee is said to cover the cost of the psych eval and the nutritionist, among other things. Even a partial reimbursement would help, since we are not the most financially comfortable family out there. (Two little ones in FT daycare will do that to ya... )
Has anyone had any success with getting any pre-operative fees reimbursed?
Thanks in advance!
My doc in Kettering had no program fee. They did charge a $400 deposit, but it covers a portion in case the insurance shorts them and it covers copays for 6 months. I actually got a partial refund of around $135 from the surgeon at my 6 month check up. Check out New Life Surgery Center in Kettering. Look at my profile to see which doc I used. She was fabulous and does the DS as well as the RNY.