How much should I be eating now?Platuea?
I am going on 9 months out. Have lost 106 pounds to date. I wanted to compare myself with someone else about the same amount of time out. About how much you can eat at a meal. And depending what the food is, greatly affects how much I can eat. If it's something like mostly meat, or cheeses I can't eat as much. Maybe a cup. And if it's something that mushes down a bit more, I can eat twice as much. All of a sudden I haven't lost any weight in 3 weeks, and not totally sure, but may have gained a pound or so. I don't know if it's just a really long platuea or if I've gotten to a point where I'm consuming enough calories to stop losing. So my biggest part of the question is "How much could you eat at about 8-9 months out?, About how many pounds a month were you losing?, and... How long did any of your platueas last?"
I am 9 months out as of today. I do eat alittle more. Soft foods alittle over a cup. Solid foods under a cup ( more like (1/2). My weight loss has slowed down also. I have lost 107 and I am 5 pounds from goal. Do you excercise. If not you may want to start some. This will trigger your weight loss back up. When I get like this I go back to my favorite and I mean favorite I love yogart oatmeal freash fruit sandwich meat and cheese. and soup.and kick in that protein. I can live on these foods. Its up to do. I do eat a banana everyday. I do excercise 1 full hr 5 x a week. I think my linda Hamiliton arms are starting to kick in. Starting to feel solid. My longest lasted for 2 full months but was losing tones of inches. Your on nine months out. Your going to level out. Its up to you to make the right choices. I aslso love beef jerky for a snack. and eat alot of salads.
Take care
Hi Jennifer, I am going to bet you are uping your carbs. Try paying close attention to what you are consuming vs. the volume. You made a point you might not realize when you stated you can't eat as much in solids as mushy..most mushy foods are high in carbs. I notice when I start feeling tired or just bad all over,. it's my eating habits again. SO i re think and start paying attentioni, when I hit my first plateau I went to entering a few things I had added to my diet I realized I was eating way over the carb limit. I went on the Atkins diet for 2 weeks and lost 10lbs.!!
I also will add a protein drink to my diet for awhile..I do one in the AM (drinking it now) and then I add one at night as my snack..with 3 high portein low carb meals throughout the day...I feel much better when I do this.
hope this helps.