Baili is here
After 20 hours of labor, Baili Johanna Marie McCoy is finally here. She was born on 6/18 at 6:41 am and weighed 6lbs 14ozs and was 19 inches long. It was a long labor, we started the induction at 11:00 Am on 6/17, but we had a hard time getting regular labor contractions going and then once we did, Baili's heart rate went down and my blood pressure went sky high, so we stopped labor, waited about an hour and started again when both of us had recouped some. Fortunately, I only had to push twice to get her out once I reached 10, and I was prepared for a long labor as my last one was long when I was induced too.
Baili is already spoiled and wants to be held all the time. Bo and I are so happy, but we are exhausted and we will probably be here at the hospital until Tuesday morning, but I am not sure. It is cool that the hospital has wireless, so we have posted some pictures, but not many. We will do more tomorrow when we are not so tired.