I haven't been able to post that much the last few months of my pregnancy, I decided to take an auditing class and the amount of work, plus being pregnant was OVERWHELMING!!! I was barely able to keep up and it was very stressfull. I just completed my class on Monday and on Tuesday I went to the doctor and since my bloodpressure has been up and we can't seem to get it down, they are going to induce me this Saturday at 9 am. I am to be on bedrest until then, so I am just laying here taking it easy. This is my third child, so I know what to expect, but I am still nervous but ready to see our newest little girl. We decided to name her Baili Johanna Marie, pronounced Bailey.
I will be 38 weeks, so she shouldn't be too early, but I still worry a little since they don't know exactly what my original due date was since I spotted so much in the beginning (up to about 20 weeks). We have done Non Stress Tests twice a week for the last three weeks and everything looks good, so just keep your fingers crossed for Bo & I this Saturday.