Recent Visits and Medical Mutual
Well, I am beginning to learn the ropes!
I had my dietician and psych appointments yesterday at OSU which went fairly well and I thought that I was really on my way. I have a PCP appointment Friday. Well, I learned late yesterday that Medical Mutual is one that requires the 6 month supervised diet and exercise program so it looks like it is going to be a longer haul than I anticipated. I am considering the Living Well program. Anyone have any words of wisdom about the program or Medical Mutual to share?
Hi Teresa,
Glad to see you are on your way.
The only thing I would say about Medical Mutual is be SURE you call and get a list of everything you need to present to them for review. They stressed to me that they HAD to have a 5 year, doctor recorded weight history to show long term obesity before being considered. I had no problem providing this to them because my PCP's from the past were willing to copy everything and prepare it to send in. I was lucky to have attended a weight support group for many many years and they accepted that in exchange for the 6 month requirement.
Good luck as you start and continue your journey.
Hi, Teresa, I also have Medical Mutual and was turned down in 2004 because I had not been on a clinically supervised diet. I went to a doctor of nutritian for a nine month program and am now trying again through the Cleveland Clinic Bariatric program. I have completed all the testing and consultations and am waiting (not patiently) for precertification from Medical Mutual. I was told that it would take six to eight weeks. I'm a nervous wreck. 'Hope everything goes smoothly for you. Judy