Hey Ohioans... it's been a while!
Hey, I just read back and see your having a baby..guess I am the only one around here that didn't know it, sorry I don't get on the Ohio board often enough..
I would love to put a get together or even a one day event together in this area again..it would be a blast..maybe next summer.
hopefully you can make it ..we can have a fun time!
Hey Chick!
Long time..no see or hear from. I'm glad to hear all is well and can't wait to see the new baby. You think you're tired now..just wait
I haven't lost much since you've seen me last, but I have lost a couple pounds this week. My daughter leased a horse for me this summer. At my age, it's no small feat to climb up on this giant animal. Hauling saddles and shoveling horses__ burns quite a few calories also.
Keep in touch. We really got to get together.