Hey Ohioans... it's been a while!
so many new faces! wow! I only recognize a few people. Hope everyone is doing well. I've been completely MIA and I apologize for that. Life has taken over and I am sure it's not going to slow down any time soon! I started a new job and am continuing grad school all while trying to prepare for our little arrival in August. Speaking of, I have LESS THAN 2 months to get ready for this baby... HOLY COW. You know what i have done? A big fat nothing. Well, I have the room painted, but the furniture is on back order until July and all of my showers are in July as well - so we literally have nada! Everyone keeps telling me it will work out - I hope they're right! ;)
So, it also struck me that I am coming up on my one-year bandiversary. My how life has changed in the past year. Never in a MILLION years did I think I would be 8 months pregnant on my one year anniversary, but God had his own plans for the hubby and me. I'm ecstatic about our upcoming arrival, but a little sad that I don't have a huge scale victory to celebrate next month as a result. I guess I could celebrate that I've only gained 14 pounds at 31 weeks, huh? I guess it could be a lot worse... however, I can't wait to get back on the losing side AND have my little one here - a win/win!
I miss all of you and will try to update more often as well as keep myself updated on all of you! Dr. C. - if you happen to see this, I decided to hold off on the fill for now. My appetite is suddenly gone! I went from completely ravenous in weeks 22-30 to not having any hunger whatsoever now. It's nice! But, you will be seeing me 2 weeks post partum without fail.
Talk to you all soon, I hope!
31 weeks pregnant. HOLY cow.
Hey Missy B
How funny!! I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering how you are doing. I'm coming to Cincy near the end of the month. I would love to get to see some of my Cincy pals. It's kind of boring to drive 2 hours for a short appt then drive right back. Although, Dr C is totally worth it!!