Dear People:
I have been distressed to hear about so many band patients having trouble getting access to fills either due to being banded in Mexico or due to being charged exorbatant amounts for adjustments so I have decided to change my policy. I would be happy to see surgeons either from Mexico (or any surgeon for that matter) who need good follow-up care for their band. Most of you know by now that the operation itself is probably the least important part of the whole process, it's the follow-up care that determines their success. I have an obsession with seeing band patients do well so it really bothers me when I hear about cases about patients who are failing because of poor follow-up.
Give my office a call if you're interested, my only requirement is that you go through a class with my dietitian (who is banded herself) so I can be sure you know how to properly use your band.
Dr. C
Clifton Surgical
Cincinnati, Ohio
Hello there Dr. Curry,
I am sitting here in Montrerrey having had the band on June 1 by Dr. RUMBAUT. He said it went perfectly and he was able to suture the stomach on the back as well as the front and THUS, the band will NOT slip. I had a fair.. well a lot of diffuse mid thoracic back pain due to this stitching in the back, but am glad he was able to do that Remember, Dr. Premier Bariatric Surgeon, you agreed to make an exception for me and that has been a great source of comfort for me as I understand the importance of proper follow up. I had NOT told anyone on the boards that YOU are the wonderful dr I have rounded up to do the fills, nor told Dr. Rumbaut s patient coordinator that you wanted it known you would take MEXICAN patients. I feel I have gotten great service down here and you can be sure any patients of dr. Rumbaut will have had a great surgeon. I am going to follow his instructions and shoot for the first fill at 6 weeks and will see you sometime in mid july. I feel so great .... that I have been able to have this gift. I am amazed how well I feel and know that this is the answer for me. YOU ARE A GREAT GUY.