bad hair day
Hello everyone. I finally figured out how to use this thing. YEAH!! I am not computer literate. ha,ha
I was banded in Feb. I have done pretty good , after a few problems with throwing up all the time. I have finally figured out how to use this band. Yeah! I have lost 62 pounds according to my scale. But....I have also lost alot of my hair. I hate the protein shakes. What would you suggest? ? Need help...I am taking my vitamins and an extra supplement of biotin for my hair. But...its not working......ANY HELP would be apprecitated....
I am so happy to be a part of the band family........
Nothing helps. Thats all I can say Is nothing helps. I lost so much hair everytime I took a bath looked like someones hair was but in the tub. I just continued my vitiams and protien and sweat it out. Now it stopped. I had thick hait to begin with Lasted from 2nd month until 6 month
Best wishes Barb
Hello Everyone.. Thanks for your posts. I have been using the nioxin. I also have been swimming alot so the chlorine and sal****er are doing a number on my hair. I will keep taking the vitamins and protein and the biotin. Between all this and lots of prayer surely, I will not loose all of my hair.