Well I just got my time, I have to be at the hospital by 8:00am and surgery is scheduled for 10:00am by tomorrow at this time I should be on the loosing side if all goes well, Thats terrible I hate to be a pessimist but I'm so darn scared something will happen, but all I can do is pray and leave it in Gods hands. So if I don't make it back on before I go i'll update everyone when I'm feeling up to it. THANKS TO EVERYBODY FOR ALL THE WELL WISHES AND PRAYERS I NEED THEM AND REALLY APPRECIATED THEM.
Thank You and God Bless
I think we all go through those fears and wonder if we are doing the right thing. But an amazing thing happened to me the morning of the surgery. It was a miserable hot morning and I struggled out of my ex husbands van, dragging my Oxygen, luggage and pillow and felt like my heart was going to stop at any moment. By the time I got to the admission desk I was so breathless and tired.. I knew right then that it was either have the surgery or end up dying soon. I have far to much to live for than to leave my children, family and friends. Soooo a peace and calm came over me and I never had another apprehensive feeling again. I put it all in our Lords hands and knew he was quite capable of getting me through all of this. And now a year later I am half the girl I used to be physically. But emotionally and spiritually more than I could ever have imagined being.
I am sending prayers to you right this minute and know that you are surrounded by angels as they prep you for surgery. God is taking care of you and you are going to do amazing..
Keep us informed as soon as you can .. We Cant wait to hear how you are doing.
Miss Laura