New depression pill is wonderful !!!!!
I have been on it 3 weeks now. the first 2 weeks was pretty rough getting use to the pill nausa and light headness. and just sick.My doctor said to stick it out it gets better and it did. . The past 2 days I have felt like a new person. The only problem is I have no appetite and this pill does cause weight loss. I am losing my weight quite quick now with only 15 pounds to go. I am on cymbalta started with 30 mg now I am on 60 mg. I just dont feel nerves like I felt on Lexapro. I hope this feeling last forever. I feel wondereful.
Take Care
I'm glad for you. Did you ever find out about the bump on your bum? I'm afraid after I read your information it reminded me so much of my polinidal cyst. I fell down the steps with my baby and landed directly on my tailbone and I was sure I fx it. About 6-8 weeks later I had this problem with pain and swelling on the tailbone. The Dr. said it was the trauma from the fall. Apparently everyone has this junk on their tailbone(excess stuff as you are forming in the womb) and it can abcess. I hope it is just from the weightloss. Mel