Speaking of hair...
I started shedding hair recently (just after I passed my 4th month) and I know a lot of you said you kept shedding for 6 months and some only for a month or two, but I was wondering if anyone had highlights done during that time?
I had an appointment with my hairdresser to get my highlights done again on March 29 which is only 2 weeks away and now I'm wondering if that's a bad idea? She said it wouldn't be a problem, but I'm sure she wants me there, after all they cost almost $100!
I had highlights done for the first time ever last year around Feb and I really loved them, I was looking forward to doing them again!
Any advice? Am I crazy to do them now?

Hi Vi,
I don't do high lights, I do a single process color and I continued to do that while I lost my hair. (my hair loss has now stopped after six months of shedding) I don't think it should be a problem to do high lights. My colorist knows a lot about post op hair care as she has several clients and friend who have had surgery and I was considering high lights, and she thought it would be fine. But this is just one womans opinion!
Good Luck,
No way no how have I ever stopped coloring and highlighting my hair. I go to a salon where it costs me about $150.00 for coloring, highlights and cut. If you go to a good salon and your hairdresser knows what he/she is doing then I would say discuss it with the professional. If you go to a "head shop" then I would advise not but try and find a good shop with color specialists. In fact in my case, since my hair has always been so baby find, the coloring helped out alot during the shedding period because it added the texture that I was losing. I did not start to lose my hair until I was 7 months out. Never lost to the point of noticing the loss on my head just around the shower drain. Good Luck with your decision and I hope I was able to help. If you have any other questions I am just an e-mail away!
Hi Marianne
Thanks so much for all the information!! Sounds like good advice to me! I recently started using a very professional salon up here and I do trust their advice, so I'm sure she wasn't trying to steer me wrong... I was just a little nervous
but you have all put my mind at ease! I'm going to go for it!
I can't wait to have my highlights done! Just what I need for SPRING!!
My hair loss has been around the shower too, lots of shedding... but I seem to be the only one that notices, which is probably good!

It shouldn't be a problem. My hair always fell out even before surgery. I have so much hair you would never notice it anyway. At about 3-4 months after surgery it started falling out even more. I still got it colored every 3 months without fail. Actually, I never gave it a second thought. It has not been a problem. It still falls out quite a bit, but it's not noticeable.