Wheels Falling Off
At almost 7 weeks post-op and down 40 lbs I am back into the old junk food snacking trap! Yesterday morning I went to the gym and took a high impact RPM class and it was great! Last night I destroyed the day with: cookies/ chips and cheese dip/ choc. pudding/small pice of an everything bagel and who knows what else? I can't seem to get a handle on this snacking and binging crap! My wife insists that we need this junk in the house because we have kids but I know she keeps it for herself! I think she wants me to fail at this?
I am so discusted! Helpppppppppp?
Hey Kenny,
Don't be depressed, be determined! Just because the stuff is there doesn't mean you need to eat it. I can't relate, because I can't eat that stuff. But, tell your wife to hide it if she feels she needs to keep it in the house. Get alternative snacks. I've been eating soy chips lately, they are pretty good, very crunchy and it keeps me from wanting to snack on other stuff. And I do have other snack foods in the house, for the others in the house. I just stay away from it and it no longer calls my name everytime I go in the kitchen. I also have Stallone puddings and sugar free candies in the event I want something sweet.
I can't offer a whole lot of advice, except to say you went through this surgery for a reason, you have to tell yourself that you DON'T need that cookie or bagel or dip or whatever it is that is drawing you to it. I know it's hard, we didn't get to the weight we did, the condition we did by having a whole lot of will power, but YOU CAN DO IT!
When is your next support group? Make sure you go, talk about the urge to snack, see what other people are doing about it and try to stick to your resolve!
Good luck, friend!
I have 3 small kids and work a family daycare
business in my home too so im stocked to the
brim with foods that i should not have.
ITS not easy....but i just assume sugar
will make me dump so i dont.
I do to help combat my urges is stock the house
also with MY STUFF! AND when im in a grazing
out of control snacking mode i reach for the
healthier choices. I eat GLENNY's ZEN chips
so its protein, i snack on frozen power crunch
bars with fat free cool whip.
ITS a daily battle and struggle and only if i obsess
to i do good. I am working on new healthier eating habits
to get thru. I do know that once i get in a rut of eating bad
it makes me crave more and more. So try your best
admitting your actions i think tells us all you want to do
better!We all have bad days!
were here for u
Hey Kenny,
Hang in there bud. Dont kick yourself. Take it one day at a time. You are doing great losing 40 lbs in 7 weeks. You have to try to focus. I had the bypass 6 months ago and I am noticing now I can eat alot more then I could at first. I have to remind myself to walk away. It will come bro.
Hi Kenny!
I know just how hard that is! My X-Hubbie insisted on eating pizza and tons of crap right in front of me RIGHT after surgery!!! There would be the smell of pizza wafting through my house 2 weeks post op, it was horrible!! And I would do all the food shopping and not get any naughty foods, then he would sneak off to the local deli and pick up tons of junk food.
You need to either pick up your own "healthy" snacks and keep then in a special place for you and only you. Like your own "secret stash" outside of the kitchen! AND TRY TO AVOID THE KITCHEN LIKE THE PLAGUE!!! I know that sounds impossible, but worth a shot! Also whenever you want to eat something grab a bottle of water and go for a walk!
Honestly, I am not one to talk, b/c I binge from time to time, and I justify it by saying well they were sugar free cookies!
Anyway, just thought I would put my 2 cents in!
One idea I just had, maybe get yourself a sponser, someone to call when you feel a binge coming on! I have one, it doesn't always help but does about 8 out of 10 times!
Good luck Kenny, don't let anyone spoil this for you, your doing great!!! And btw, my X is an X since having the surgery. It was bad before surgery, but it got worse after!
Keep your chin up!!!!!!!!!!!!!