NY Chat?
Hi everyone.
I was just wondering if anyone was interested in a group chat session at least maybe once a week, maybe more if people are interested? We could set day and time and meet. We are a pretty close board and i just think it would be fun to try to get together once in a while. Let me know what you think, who would be interested and when the best times for everyone would be....LisaMarie

A new york chat would be cool. I know another site that has a better chat that was created by a post op man.....it would probably be a better room. OH is an awesome message board, however, there chat room scrolls to fast and its hard to keep up.
I can post the thread for it once we pick a great time to meet in the room! ITS a pretty cool site that i recently began going to and i visit
there daily chat in the morning while im working.....
LET me know lisa im interested and this site might have a better chat room for us to use!
Since there are lots of people interested already and i am sure there will be losts more, what are good days and times for you? I posted wednesday and saturday eves 9 30 ish but if anyone would also like to do a day one let me know.....i know some people only have access to computers at work. Just throw some days and times that are good for you out there and then we can try to make a schedule! Yea i am so excited! LisaMarie