I can't do this anymore!!!!!!!
I have dealt with being overweight all my life and I have just come to the point that I can't deal with it anymore. I feel so alone. I've tried every diet and excercise program there is. The only person I have to support me is my mother. Thank heaven for her..she is one amazing person. I just told my sister I was looking into Gastric Bypass and she was like "for what"....FOR WHAT...omg....if she only knew what it was like to weigh 256 lbs and be so depressed and so lonely.
I don't think my PCP will support this either....I feel even more alone now that I did before. I don't think I can go to the surgeon without a referrel.
i didnt think my PCP would support me to have this done!
GUESS WHAT? he did and referred me to the surgeon I
I also was depressed and lonely, but weighed in at 310 lbs.
IF you think your ready go forward on this for YOU!
I did and couldnt be any happier
good luck
I was in simalr state when I started this jouorney, I was AFRAID my PCP wouldnt't agree BUT my backup plan was to find one who would! Luckily she agreed and supported me 100% I would of never known if I didn't ask. NOTHING can keep you from this if you fight hard enough I suppose!
Go in with all the education you have and knowldege. I wrote a letter to my PCP also (She never read it) but I felt better layiing it out. If you want a copy email me offlist!
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
I thought the same about my PCP when I made the decision of WLS. I still am hoping for an approval from insurance, but when I went to see my PCP after meeting with my surgeon (I had a sinus infection) I told her about my decision, and was shocked that she looked me dead in the face and said, "Great decision for you, you'll have your life back, anything you need, just ask me." I was so happy to hear that. She has known me since 16, and I assumed that she would be like your too young, your crazy, but was very supportive.
Call your surgeons office and ask the girls for them to recomend you a PCP because your PCP is against it, but I would first find out for shore your PCP's feelings on WLS for you. BUt most surgeons have a PCP to send you to if this is the case.
hope this help.
PS. - your never alone on these boards.......
ronkonnkoma, ny
Nicole,I had a Doctor that wouldn't even hear me out.I was so upset that he wouldn't give me the chance to look into this wls.I wasn't even sure I wanted the surgery at that piont.The more researching I did ,I decided to find another pcp Doctor that would support my decision to see if I would even qualify for the surgery.So if you are going to look into this you should get a pcp doctor that will support you.My surgeon at Highland Hospital will not even do the surgery without the support of my pcp Doctor.I guess,start there.I've been working on this since last May.I'm getting closer but not there yet.The whole process takes a while.This is a wonderful site,I have learned so much through the other members and they are very supportive.Good luck on your journey and keep your chin up.There is plenty of support here.

Don't give up your quest for WLS, it's the best decision you will ever make to become a healthy person.
I see you have preferred care....also known as deferred care. Read my profile and see what they put me through....I dropped them and went back to BC/BS 1/06 and within two days of them receiving my paperwork I was approved. deferred care put me through he** last year. I will never go back with them and tell people to not choose them if possible. Thank goodness I was able to pick another insurance.
Good luck to you,
my advice to you is just to go forward. i had my surgery almost three years ago and pretty much told no one, because i knew i would be ridiculed for my decision. actually to this day only a hanful of people know i've had a by - pass. it was a personal choice i had to make and i don't regret it to this day. i went from 282 to 145, my goal weight was 165-170.
just so you know be prepared for set backs, it often happens trying to get wls. if you read theses boards it happens all the time. the biggest issue is that most people aren't aware of what the must do to get their insurance to cover their procedure. for me my set back was that my orginal pcp didn't support my decision so i had to find a pcp who would support my choice.
my advise to you is to find out what type of surgery your insurance covers and what you are required to do before hand to get insurance approval i.e. most insurance company require you show you have been dieting for a certain period of time.
follow your heart. best wishes.
open rny
mar 18 2003
I learned about this surgery from my sister and I was so inspired by her loss that I began looking into it for myself. I made an appt to go to a surgeons office and I had to go to my PCP so she could sign a paper or something. Well, I was very sure that she would not want me to have the surgery. I'm so use to people saying "just buck up and diet" and that is what I thought she would say. When I went to her office I asked if she thought gastric bypass would be good for me. SHe told me that she don't refer people to a surgeon because she wants the person to do the footwork on their own. It shows that the person is really motivated. So I was pleasently surprised that she was all for it. I told her that I had already made an appt and she smiled at me. It was kewl. So, you may not feel that your PCP will agree, but you never know. You could be pleasantly surprised like I was. I'm sorry that you dont have any support, that is hard. Some people just don't understand, especially if they never been in our shoes. Take care and be kind to yourself.
Hi Nicole,
I know how lonely and scared it feels to be overweight. I am proud to see that you are starting your journey to helping yourself. Remember, this is for you and only for you. Do your research and then make your own decision. View some profiles of people who have had the surgery and see some of the results. This was a great tool in helping me with my decision. Good Luck to you