MYTHS about Pre-digested Protein
MYTHS about Pre-digested Protein
Perhaps you have seen postings about "pre-digested protein". (The scientific term for this is protein hydrolysis.) One of the recent threads about Protein Drinks mentions one of them.
There are two myths about pre-digested protein that need to be addressed because they can affect your protein consumption -- and as a result, your health.
Myth 1:
There are people who say that some brands of protein supplements are "pre-digested" (or "hydrolyzed"). This gives the impression that the protein content in the supplement is 100% pre-digested. But that is not true. Do not be misled. Almost always, these supplements are not 100% pre-digested, not even 50% pre-digested, not even 30% pre-digested. In reality, only about 10% or less of the protein in these supplements, by weight, is fully pre-digested. (more below)
Myth 2:
It is a myth that gastric bypass patients need pre-digested protein. Gastric bypass patients do NOT need pre-digested protein. No only do they not need pre-digested, there is no real advantage compared with the same proteins before pre-digestion (more below).
About Myth 1: -------------------------------------------------------------
Question: If pre-digested proteins really are nutritionally important, why might the manufacturers put in only a tiny amount?? The supplements with pre-digested protein generally provide ONLY 2 or 3 *grams* of pre-digested protein per serving !
a) They just want to make a claim that sounds plausible and appealing - so you THINK it is better
b) Hydrolyzing the protein adds cost, and again, there is no advantage for gastric bypass patients
c) Hydrolyzed proteins (pre-digested proteins - amino acids and di-peptides and tri-peptides) by their very nature taste bitter. If a protein supplement truly had even 50% fully pre-digested protein, you wouldn't use it more than once because of the bitter flavor profile.
About Myth 2: -------------------------------------------------------------
There are two clear answers why gastric bypass patients do NOT need pre-digested protein.
a) There is just no clinical research that gastric bypass patients need pre-digested protein. Nor is there any clinical research showing there is any advantage.
b) You can look at the clinical results - the lab results of the great majority of gastric bypass patients who don't consume any *pre-digested* protein. Among those who consume the recommended amount of protein, most generally have good protein status without using a supplement that claims it is "pre-digested".
Here's a common sense test: if gastric bypass patients could NOT breakdown normal protein in order to absorb it into their system, what would happen to them? A gastric bypass patient consuming the recommended amount of protein from food and non-pre-digested supplements would develop severe protein deficiency. But we all know that isn't what happens.
Partially for that reason, we don't know of any bariatric programs that state that pre-digested protein is better.
In summary:
1) most of the products that contain pre-digested protein contain only a tiny amount
2) pre-digested protein is not better for gastric bypass patients; it offers no advantage
We believe this discussion needed to be started, and we hope this helps. If you have questions, please do post them here, but if you also send a copy to
[email protected] be sure we will answer.
Clinical references are available on request.
Please note that there are other unusual medical situations, specifically some diseases states or conditions of the digestive track, where a 100% pre-digested protein might be recommended. But that is not due to the gastric bypass, but rather to an independent medical diagnosis.
Thank you
Kind regards
Jerome Krachenfels
UNJURY(TM) Protein Supplements.