What am I doing wrong?
I had surgery (open rny) on January 30th and promised myself I would not got frustrated at the progress. On Monday feb 6th I weighed in at 240 pounds and that was down 8 pounds from the morning of surgery. Today 10 days later I still weigh 239. I am doing what my doctor says to the tee. I was told at this point hydration is the most important and then to eat protein foods. I am on pureed foods until I see him next which isn't until 3/30..........They do not recommend protein powders. I drink64 oz of water and I have eaten Babyfood (meats and vegies) like suggested by my surgeon, I eat the insides of the mannicotti for lunch and dinner and I have been eaten cottage cheese. I can not eat more as I am full mostly all day with the liquids and the food. Any advice would be helpful.
~~Hugs and well wishes~~

(deactivated member)
on 2/15/06 11:50 pm - MT
on 2/15/06 11:50 pm - MT
Just take your time hun, our bodies go through so much that sometimes the weight on the scale takes some time to show.....as long as your doing what your Dr says you are doing awesome.
I added some fat free refried beans which really helped in the protein and they do have that clear zero carb protein drink from GNC but I did not like it very much but maybe give that a try as well.
Wow you have to be on this until 3/30? that is a while so I would change things up so you do not get bored......below are some of the things I had while on puree:
FF refried beans w/ melted cheese on top
cottage cheese
mushy scrambled egg
carb control yogurts
pureed meats like tuna, seafood salad and chicken
pureed veggies (cooked only)
canned peaches in own juice
Also I would have loved to known about the stallone puddings but that came after.....
well I hope you can take something out of there to use hun ~hugs~
take care
Debra P

Hi Chris,
You seem to be doing what the doctor ordered. I used baby foods as well, but had to watch the carbs and fats and sugars. My dr. said not to take in anything with more than 5% of those three items and some babyfoods are excessive in the sugar and carb departments. Some days I would only have liquid for a meal, usually dinner, that consisted of fat free milk, chicken broth and a sugar free hot chocolate made with water.
If it were me, I would also ask why no protein powders...there are some good already mixed protein drinks out there (no mixing hence no powder)...the carb control chocolate, vanilla and strawberry from Walmarts or local markets comes to mind.
One other thing... I only weigh myself on Mondays...everday was too frustrating and sometimes it went up instead of down...not nice when you are expecting only losing...
Hang in there and get your mind on something else if you can...Keep us posted please!
Hi Chris -
Sounds to me like you're doing well with your eating and fluids. Don't know if it's your case or not, but for me, I definitely lose weight in chunks. The scale doesn't move for 10 days, or 2 weeks, then suddenly a large loss registers. All the while my clothes are getting bigger, and my measurements are getting smaller. Sometimes I feel frustrated when I read that other folks are losing steadily every week...but I'm trying to keep in mind that ultimately I am losing weight. I'm a "slow" loser...but I've lost 73 pounds in 4 1/2 months since surgery, and I lost 11 pounds getting ready for the surgery - so my total is 84.
I held onto weight the first 2 weeks I was from surgery, and then again at about 2 1/2 months out.
Hang in there!
Has your surgeon/ nutritionist team attended any of the past few ASBS conferences? Maybe he/she can order the abstracts and read the research. There is no way a new pouch can hold enough solid food in one day to get adequate nutition for your body. Research shows that high quality whey or isolate protein supplements are the best way to maintain optimum health and nutrition post surgery. Many people who are not getting enough protein will start losing hair and fingernails and have no energy. Your body is in starvation mode when it doesn't get enough protein and will actually hang on to every calorie you consume. Surgeons are great at giving us the tool, but unless they are regularly attending conferences and seminars on post-bariatric nutrition, I would do my own research on the web and do what is right for my body. Sorry to rant, but it really bugs me when I hear "no protein shakes". Someone once said that if your doctor is reccommending something that is the complete opposite of the norm, either he is on the cutting edge of new research, or is lagging behind the times. 30 minutes on google will tell you which it is.
Dr. Galvin
Roch. General
lap-RNY 6/13/05
Hi Chris,
I did not have RNY but lap band on the 24th. I went through the same thing. Mine was water retention. I gained 3 pounds then stayed that way for 2 weeks, on liquids. I am now on pureed foods. Now I am down almost 2 pounds from the original surgery loss. 243 and it's unexplored territory for 3 years-lol.
It can take your body awhile to get used to the changes. Hang in there.
It is amazing the difference between each doctors recommendations. Did your doctor say why you couldn't have protein powders? My doctor has specifically said no to babyfoods and a minimum of 60-90 grams of protein a day. I have to have 3 protein drinks a day and I can also can have (3) 1/4 cups of either cottage cheese, veggie, chicken/turkey/fish a day. I can't always do it but I am a nut about getting in at least 60 grams of protein. (each drink of Whey Protein is 32 grams- 1 scoop to 8 oz. skim milk).