It continues
Tavia V
on 2/15/06 8:22 pm - Long Island, NY
on 2/15/06 8:22 pm - Long Island, NY
Good thing my PCP had office hours last night. He took my blood and my potassium was way too low. I could feel my heart racing like it was running a marathon. He sent me over to the ER to get a drip put in and have a monitor put on me. I wanted to poke the ER doctor in the eyeballs after he started the potassium drip.
B/c of an infectious disease I picked up while on the ventilator, they always put me in isolation in the er/hospital. In the ER they have these big rooms with star trek like doors that blows air all around. The air makes it very cold, which makes me feel like have to go to tinkle every two minutes. It stinks having a heart monitor put on you b/c you cant get out of bed even to go to the bathroom. They have a little toliets on the floor in those ER rooms but I cant get up to use it. I hate using those toliets anyway b/c I always feel that someone is going to walk in while I am on the can, which has happened.
I look at it this way, at least I got to watch TV. I know it's sad.
My PCP wanted to keep in the hospital at least to get my level really stable and my heart rate down but he knows I am so tired of it all. My EKG was normal which was good. After I had the drip going in for awhile, my heart rate went down so that was good. Because my heart rate went back to normal, he agreed to let me do the drips on a outpatient status as long I as go back to the hospital at this morning again and evening. Hopefully then I will be good to go. I hate those drips, they are the worst.
The ER dr was teasing me about my tinkerbell PJ pants. I do not know what is wrong with those doctors over there but something is. They have a 'good' trauma unit in that hospital, they always have horrible cases coming in the ER which makes all those doctors run around in circles...then there is little old gastric bypass me w/my tinkerbell PJs and IV drip.
Anyway, I am going to give myself a heart attack and I am so tired. Good Morning everyone though!
(deactivated member)
on 2/15/06 8:49 pm - MT
on 2/15/06 8:49 pm - MT
It is always something with you hun ~Hugs~ I hope this part is over soon for you as well. Maybe after your levels, level off you will be right on course again....
Debra P
You poor baby... I know how much a potassium drips burns. I had 4 or 5 of them when I had my second surgery. No fun at all. If it really burns, ask to put a hot pack on the IV site while it's dripping in. I know that sounds crazy (putting hot on something that burns), but it really helps.
I've been trying to call you, but I never get an answer. Hope you're feeling better and try to eat a banana if it agrees with you.
Feel better and keep your chin up.
Tavia V
on 2/16/06 5:31 am - Long Island, NY
on 2/16/06 5:31 am - Long Island, NY
Thanks for the advice, it did the pain meds. Heehee. Those drips are no joke. My level is up higher which is good. At least they didnt put the monitor on me again so I walked around being bored and trying to keep my mind clear. No one noticed in the ER that I was gone for like 45 minutes, ha. It is like the twilight zone over there.
I walked over to the cafeteria to get some coffee b/c I needed it. They were all looking at me in the cafeteria like I was this crazy skinny person pushing an IV pole around...too funny.
I think I am going to try to sleep through this one tonight, I am so tired. They just barge into the room w/out a care in the world. blahhh to them.