I cant take this commerical anymore.
Tavia V
on 2/9/06 4:52 am - Long Island, NY
on 2/9/06 4:52 am - Long Island, NY
Is it just me or does that weigh****chers commerical make you want to throw up? A Cher song? Oh I'm sure she knows what its like to struggle w/ weight! The queen of plastics. Please! I also love how it is implying that us 'fatties' must be lonely and pathetic. Hee-Hee.
I am not putting down weigh****chers at all, I mean if if works for you, then go for it! It just didn't for me.
Gosh, being overweight is just so misunderstood. When I was in the hospital last week, one of the surgical fruit loops in training asked me if I had candy in my mouth. I was like "WHAT? It's ice chips!"
Oh yes, he got me. I was secretly eating starbursts, gobstoppers and Nerd candies while I was lying in the hospital on my fifth surgery at 6 in the morning. Whatever. Now why do I have to be having supposed candy in my mouth, because I am a gastric bypass patient?? What, being a bypass patient means I have no control over myself? So misunderstood.

I haven't seen the commercial, but WW tends to try to make people believe that our lives will instantly improve if only we buy their food, weigh in at their meetings, etc etc etc.
Actually, Cher works her ass off to keep from getting fat. Several years ago, Cher made some personal training videos and I bought the first one because I was curious [I mean, the reputation for plastics, whether earned or not, was there]. She did the entire work out [unlike most of the celebrities you see on tape, who appear in a few of the frames]. I tried that workout and let me tell you, it was hard work. I bought the second one because I was totally impressed by the first one. I still have them both.
People who have never had a weight problem or eating disorder are never going to get us........... and you are right.... at times, it can be a real ******
btw, Tavia, I hope you are feeling better today!
Hey Tavia -
I HATE that commercial.
It annoys me so much and you have hit the nail right on the head. It has such amazingly awful stereotypical underlying messages and then to add insult to injury they use a Cher song. Maybe it's her personal protest against her daughter or something? I don't get it and it actually made me made at weigh****chers. I know it's their ad agency that put the thing together, but I find the whole thing utterly insulting!
How are you feeling, Miss candy eating while waiting for another stupid surgery? Those doctors in training folks get to me. They haven't learned bedside manner yet, if they ever do. What kind of surgeon is that person going to make? Cold and impersonal I presume.
Hope all is well.
Hugw - Robin

(deactivated member)
on 2/9/06 9:46 pm - MT
on 2/9/06 9:46 pm - MT
Hello hun ~Hugs~ I have to say that it does not bother me but it does make me upset as I can understand the feeling of being the "fatest" women in the room!
Thanks to the surgery I do not feel that way anymore but it is coming slowly as I do not see myself THAT much thinner yet.
I myself did not have any luck on WW either!
I don't know how you held your mouth with a comment like "is that candy in your mouth".....
Well I hope you are feeling good hun ~hugs~ TGIF....
Debra P

Hi Tavia--
First of all --I am so happy to see that you are feeling better--You must be doing better--you are able to think about something besides the pain that you have been in for so long. Thank Goodnes for the doctors finally discovering what was wrong.
Second--That commercial is utterly disgusting--it had to have been made by thin people--By the way --I attended weigh****chers and I have to tell you --I didn't feel like dancing --not once--and I certainly didn't feel like wearing WHITE (I would have looked like a beached Beluga whale).
While I was on weigh****chers I was on a plateau for EIGHT months--and all I felt like doing was --crying!
Try eating 24 points each day for eight months and exercising approximately three hours a day --and not losing a pound--you don't feel like singing, dancing or wearing a swimsuit!
I know that many people benefit from weigh****chers--but I don't know of any diet that is fun!
Also you are right--we are not all totally miserable --and no we are not pitiful or pathetic --just because we are overweight!
I know that they are trying to sell a product--but I believe that the original intent of weigh****chers has been distorted by the company's desire to make a profit! (just my opinion)
Be Blessed,
Marian S.C.
I can't STAND that stupid commercial!!! Of all people...Cher!!! I bet her daughter, Chas doesn't like it either. At least her daughter can relate to our weight struggles. It just makes me feel like it portrays all "Fat" women as hard up & desperate... come on not All of us are lonely....
Glad someone else feels the same way.
Love, Suzy