Gi G.
on 2/5/06 8:12 am
on 2/5/06 8:12 am
I'm posting this everywhere today
Any suggestions/helpful hints as to what to pack for the hospital? Will I be able to read a book or should I not bother bringing it to the hospital? Do I bring shampoo/body wash/face wash -- will I be able to shower? Do I bring my protien suppliments/chewable vitamins [really terrifed of hair loss]?
What shopping items I need to stock up on?
ANY other advice?
I'm feeling nervous that I'm not practically prepared [I've been mentally prepared for a while!] Also, I have a 3 year old, what do I tell her about the time I will be gone?
Thanks in advance! xosm

Well relax and have trust in the surgeon you
have choosen for your surgery!
I wasnt allowed to shower while in the hospitol but that
was first on my list to do when i got home!!!!
THINGS I needed:
body spray
syling gel and mouse
phone numbers of all ur friends and family
Calling card-i wasnt able to make unlocal calls so this helped from the hospitol room
pillow from home!
I had no attention span in the hospitol to read...i guess the morphine did that.
I didnt sleep much
but walked plenty.
WHEN i had my surgery my son was 2.5 and i was honest with him told
him mommy was having surgery and would be away for a few days. I told him when i come home i would have booboos on my tummy and he had to be gentle with mommy till she felt better. HE did fine!!!
GOOD LUCK im sure others will chine in wear i missed!
Gi G.
on 2/5/06 8:57 am
on 2/5/06 8:57 am
THANK YOU! Gosh, when I was making my list I didn't put TOOTHBRUSH or HAIRBRUSH on it. Duh.
Can I have sugar free suckers and mints?
I have an ipod with an audio book on it and some music, I think I will leave the regular books at home.
Do I just buy any ol' calling card [I will be in Nassau and we live in Brooklyn so DH is NOT local]? Can I use my cell phone?
Thanks again SO VERY MUCH. xosm
Leave the cell phone home. You're not even allowed to turn it on in North Shore Hosp. Be careful with the IPOD, you never know if someone might steal it.
I had Gellman and Gadaleta too. They are wonderful.
I couldn't concentrate to read anything in the hospital either. Just stuck with the TV, not that could concentrate on that either. Mostly walked the halls and slept when I could.
Don't overpack. I didn't use half of things I brought with me. You won't be allowed to shower or wash your hair, so don't bother with the shampoo. The hospital will supply almost everything you need; even a toothbrush, if you forget yours.
Good luck with your surgery.
Tavia V
on 2/5/06 8:38 pm - Long Island, NY
on 2/5/06 8:38 pm - Long Island, NY
Good morning!
I have a three year old son as well. I have told him that mommy doesnt feel too good and has a boo-boo on her tummy. I talked to him on the phone while I was in the hosptial and he seemed to always be doing just fine. He is too funny sometimes. Just yesturday my mother offered my son some ice cream and he says to her "oh my mommy doesnt eat ice cream b/c it gives her a tummy ache." You have to give them credit for understanding more than you think they do. My son knows the names of and has met the surgeons and my pcp, which seems to help him understand and accept things a lot better.
I would say to be honest with your three year old. Tell her that mommy has to go to the hospital b/c she has a boo-boo on her tummy.
Anyway, congrats on joining our family. Dr. Gadaleta is a super surgeon/guy, so you are in great hands. He does loosen up after awhile. If you ever want to talk, feel free to email me! Good luck!

PERSONALLY i know i wasnt allowed to eat anything till my
leak test friday so i would imagine sugar free minds or anything
like that is a big no no!
IT was only friday that i was able to have my first shot of
watered down applejuice and i truley wasnt hungry!
PS : dont forget to shop for your stage 1 foods so your ready when you come hom! I would imagine ur surgeon laid out the stages of foods so u can shop before .
Well i know its against rules but i used my cell phone discreately to ring home so that they could call me back. IT was hassle to make phone calls i used a local hospitol but my home was out of the calling range....so i would ring and tell home to call back.....but i left it on the off mode all the time but then. MY room was in front of the nurses station but i used it i didnt really care. U know how many nurses keep their cells on all day, more then you know. I have clients that work in the hospitols and i have called their cells!
I wouldnt bring the IPOD. wouldnt bring anything valuable.
Tavia V
on 2/5/06 9:45 pm - Long Island, NY
on 2/5/06 9:45 pm - Long Island, NY
Hey Lisa,
My husband would call people on his cell for them to call us back as well. I cant get the land line phone connected in the hospital b/c I owe the company who connects the phone a lot of money due to all the times I have been in the hospital. I am blacklisted.
I could recieve calls but couldnt make calls. He would sneak into the bathroom and call people. heehee. Someones pacemaker is probably messed up b/c of my husband, god forbid.
I know doctors in the hospital have special cell phones that they use. I am assuming they do not use the waves that normal cell phones use so they are allowed. They usually are big and yellow for some reason.

Gi G.
on 2/6/06 12:45 am
on 2/6/06 12:45 am
Thanks girls, you are terrific!!!
I know I have to bring my CPAP machine and the guy who sold it too me also mentioned to watch out for it or the parts being stolen.
Is this really that much of a worry?
I was going to pack one small bag with just slippers, robe, CPAP to bring to surgery. Then I was going to have my hubby brind the other stuff later on. The IPOD is so teeny, smaller than my cell phone ... do I have to worry about stealing because I'll be out of the room a lot? Or do they steal stuff while you are sleeping??? It's small enough to hang around my neck or put in my pocket along with my cell. I'm assuming from what you guys said, I don't need and shouldn't bring my wallet or any cash?
I guess if we're NPO for a few days, gum is out too?
Again MANY MANY thanks for easing my mind and being so helpful!!! xosm
Hello I overpacked for the hospital and highly recommend only bringing the neccessitys. I would bring the following Pajamas, slippers, toothbrusth, toothpaste, socks, deoderant, tampons, underwear, brush. Leave the IPOD at home, you won't use it and it could get stolen. You'll mostly be walking the halls & watching TV. Walking is the best medicine in the hospital.