I need some IDEAS!
Hi everyone,
I really need some Ideas on how to resist eating at night! I just was reading lisaMaries post about being hungry all day--that isn't usually my problem--I suffer from "HEAD HUNGER" at night. I don't get hungry all day
In fact--if I eat during the day I get cramps and I feel sick.
I get along very well with protein drinks (NECTAR, Unjury or even a stallone pudding). BUT when 6:00 p.m. comes I start to feel the need to CHEW. JUNK!!! SWEETS!! anything ! I know I shouldn't eat Stuff like that But I really get weak! I haven't gained weight --but my losses have been minimal for the last three weeks.
I need some really good strategies to cope with these cravings!
The hunger lasts from about 6:00 until 10:00p.m. after that everything seems to settle down --I have tried exercising, reading, etc., but it just doesn't work. I lose weight slowly anyway--so I really need to control these cravings. I am five months out and I am only halfway to my goal.
I really need to start losing a little more consistantly --if I am going to reach my Orthopedic surgeons' goal--I have severe osteoporosis--and My bones are like tissue paper--they fracture from the weight that I am carrying. I am a little tired of pelvic bones and patellas fracturing just from my walking down the street. I need ideas to help me to resist cravings. I would appreciate any Ideas.
Be Blessed,
Marian S.C.
242.4/185.4/goal 125-130??
You may NOT like my suggestion
but to help with the night eating
i go to the gym right after dinner
from 6:30 to 8:00....and i get to
bed early!
I do wind up waking up much to early
cause i go to bed early.....
but keeps me from eating and i think
night eating goes right to our hips!!!
Hi Marian
I too get the munchies at night. I have a stock supply of sugerfree gum: bubble gum, spearmint, peppermint, even Estroven Calcium gum. When gum chewing isn't working, I have two Wheatsworth crackers with 1 tsp of sugar free peanut butter on each one. Hope that this helps you. (Also sugarfree popsicles, fudgicles and an occasional piece of sugar free Hershey candy.)
hang in there...you will reach your goal!
Got two words for you...."Chew Gum" I'v been doing that for a while to keep from snacking and eating late and it works. I haven't really chewed gum since highschool (only 10 years ago) My Footbal coaches would give me alot of gum to keep me from eatting crap. When ever we feel like you need to eat crap chew some gum
I thank you for your suggestions--Unfortunately --I am not a gum chewer--never could stand it and I can't get into the habit after sixty years.
I do sometimes exercise and go for walks--I helps some--but sometimes it just makes me hungrier.
I am thankful just to have you all to vent to--that helps tremendously
Be Blessed
Marian S.C.
Well another suggestion is make that snack a WLS healthy snack.
I just love to take a power crunch bar (usually add on the message board pages for them) in triple chocolate....slice it open fill with fat free cool whip and freeze...i find that a delightfully yummy legal snack with protein
that might satisfy your night time cravings!
GOOD LUCK! and wow you look great for your age. I also know some surgeons dont like patients to chew gum post op..
I find that the early evening is a rough time food wise for me. I bought a paint by numbers kit. I wanted to make something for my niece. It has turned out that when I do the painting in the evening I am not bothered by the head hunger at all. It is a great distraction. Needlepoint is another great distraction for me.
I wish I had another idea but so far this is all I came up with.
Hi Marian,
I like Lisa's idea of having WLS friendly snacks. If you have osteoporosis, your aim is probably to get more calcium...can you tolerate milk? Can you find high calcium snacks, or even Viactiv (I think that's what it's called!) calcium chews? Peanut butter on celery (it's good!), cheese and fruit?
I'll keep thinking....
good luck!