Emergency Surgery Last Night-Back Home Now
Hey Debra!
Thanks for your kind words.
Scary doesn't even describe it--I was plain petrified (sp?) You know, when I had to stop my car on the way home from work, three times, because of the pain, I knew it could be more serious than just gas and constipation pain. I couldn't move!
I'm in pain, but it is nothing compared to the pain I felt on Monday. I'm going to have Joe give me a nice rub with benge or icy hot all over my back and shoulders now. I think he (Joe) beat me with sticks while I was sleeping last night
I'm so sore!
I'm going to try to rest on the recliner now. I can't get comfy on the bed (again, like when I first came back from the first surgery in August)...even my hair hurts!

Hi Cindee!
Thanks hun...yeah, I've been trying to rest as much as I can, although it's hard to get comfy--just like when I came home from the first surgery--my whole body aches now, but at least I can breathe through this pain.
I'm seeing the surgeon tomorrow (Thursday)...I'm not planning on going back to wor****il Monday...I'm going to take the rest of the week to try to get my strength back...
Good nite and god bless!