Emergency Surgery Last Night-Back Home Now
Hello everyone!
I just wanted to share my most recent experience with all of you...
Joe (DH) and I just came back from White Plains hospital. I had to undergo an emergency surgery last night. I had been in terrible gas/constipation pain and yesterday it really, REALLY got severely intolerable. Yesterday I thought I was going to pass out and simply die. I couldn't take the pain. On my way home from work, I had to stop three times because of the terrible pain/cramps. I was in tears and couldn't even come up the stairs on my own so I had to call Joe from my car so that he came down and help me to the house. We put a call to my surgeon who called me within minutes. When I explain to him about the pains and how bad it was, he asked me to go to the ER at WP Hospital and he would meet us there.
Sure enough, when we got there at about 6pm, Dr. Roth showed up within minutes. He checked me out and ordered blood tests and a series of x-rays. The blood results were fine, but the x-rays showed a tremendous amount of gas and stool. He was very concerned and told us he would not expect any patients to have any complications and such severe pains after 6 months. He said there was only one thing to do and that was to go in and take a look with the camera. He suspected either a hernia or some shifting of the intestines producing some twisting and causing the pain. He said, it could also be some obstruction and while he would not rule that out yet, he needed to check me out and see what was happening. So, we all agreed and he set everything up to take me into the OR at 9:30pm. By the time they prepped me, it was almost 10 and by 11:30 I was out from OR into the recovery room.
Amazingly, it turned out I had not one, but two (2) hernias in the intestines plus some scar tissue. He took care of everything and said I would probably be able to come home tonight. Everything went well, I'm very sore and still in pain. I haven't been able to pass gas or do a poop. They gave me gas meds and a cleanser (like fleet but a lot nastier in taste) at about 1:30pm. Dr. Roth said it should take between 6-8 hours for it to take effect and send me straight to the potty. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Anyways, I'm doing okay. I'm very sore, in pain and still full of "****", but thank god, Dr. Roth acted very quickly. He said that, had I waited longer to call him, it could have developed into something a lot more serious and cause gangrene (sp?). Now instead of 6 incisions, I have 9!! I have just taken 2 Tylenol PM and will (hopefully) get knocked out pretty soon.
The whole ordeal took exactly 24 hours--from the time we went to the hospital to the time I was released (out the door) from the hospital...sigh...
Thanks for your attention and time reading this.
God bless!

Hi Dolly- I'm very happy to hear that you are doing well and are home. Nothing can prepare any of us for what might happen and it's very comforting to know that your surgeon was available and willing to find a solution.
Get rest, drink plenty of fluids, and make sure that you have some good reading materials
Take care,

Hi Linda!
Thanks for your reply. You got that right! It was very comforting indeed to have my surgeon available, willing and ready to take care of things. Both hubby and I felt like VIP's. They took us from the waiting area (after I had been triaged by the nurse) to a room where Dr. Roth met us. Thank god for my doc. I just can't say enough good things about him. As nervous as I was about all the possible causes of the terrible pain, I was somewhat calmed cause I have so much faith in my surgeon. He is the best!
I'll stay put today and try to get some rest. I'm hurting all over my body right now. It feels like I got beat with sticks!
Have a wonderful day!

Hey Joanne!
He sure is--Thank God! I'll take it easy today and probably tomorrow too. I have to go see my doc tomorrow afternoon. So I will most likely go back to work on Friday.
OMG! I just realized...TODAY'S MY 6-MONTH ANNIVERSARY!! yayyy!
I haven't weighed myself yet today...hmmm...must be the pain.
Anyways, have a wonderful day.

Hi Lisa!
You're right! I thought, at this point, I was completely out of the woods indeed. When we went to the hosp Monday night, I thought they would give me something to take care of the gas and cleanse my bowels. I thought that was IT! hehehe....was I wrong. I did suspect that the pain I was having, being sooooo sharp and agonizing, could be something worse. And sure enough!
Thank god my doc wasted no time and acted on it right away. I can't say enough about Dr. Roth. He is my hero. He's saved my life twice! God bless him!

(deactivated member)
on 1/31/06 9:11 pm - MT
on 1/31/06 9:11 pm - MT
I am so sorry that this happened to you but so glad you are doing well now and that all is ok. ~hugs~ I know these things after surgery can be scary and we just hope for the best.
Now get your rest
and relax some.....take care ~Hugs~
Debra P