To All of those people who judged me because of my size.....
I holla back to all of those people who looked at me in disgust.
I holla back to all those people who discriminated against me because of my size
I holla back to all those jobs I didnt get because people thought I was lazy because I was fat
I holla back to that doctor who dehuminzed me and belittled me because of my size.
I holla back to my ex who wanted to hold me down.
Who judged you????????
Who judged me???
ME ! I was my Harshest judge! I guess that I still am--But I know that I am doing something to make myself a better , healthier person! I
prayed to the Lord and He gave me the strength to do what I needed to do--to make myself healthier.
I was my harshest judge--I held myself back,-- I discriminated against me for being fat! I dehumanized me and belittled me!!
BUT NO MORE--I am becoming the person the God intended me to be and now, No one --especially not me--can hold me back from being a really wonderful--giving person! I am looking better each day --I am feeling better each day! Life is GOOD!!!!
Thank you Lord!
Marian S.C.
242.4/186.2/goal 125-130???