Hello ~~~
I originally started out going to Dr Singh (Albany) to get the Gastric Bypass and just found out the other day that my job is being eliminated in April and I am still being held back cause I have not lost my 10% . I was thinking of switching over to Dr Pearlstein because he doesnt require a 10% weight loss and that is the only step I have not completed. Has anyone had surgery with him or should I stay with Dr Singh. I wanted to get this surgery soon before I lose my job so that I can get a new job and not have to pay 500 for COBRA.
I would explain to Dr. Singh your situation and see if he would make an exception for you on the 10%. How much are we talking about? If it's just 10 or 20, I would think he might consider making an exception. I think it would be a shame for you to have to get another familiar with you when you're already established.
Just my thoughts. Hope everything works out the way you want it to.
I had my surgery with Dr. Pearlstein in december and I think he's great. He requires that you do not GAIN any weight from when they first weigh you until the surgery.
My opinion is that the care from his office is more "homey" and relaxed compared to Albany which is more formal. Obviously, Columbia memorial is a small community hospital and will differ from albany med. There are variations in how things are approached (like everywhere) but I don't think one is better than the other. Its fair to seek out a doctor and a care plan that works for you. I am happy discuss in detail via phone or email, if that will help you compare, just holler!