Mixed emotions?
Hello. Was wondering if any of you other pre-ops are having mixed feelings about the surgery? The past few weeks, my emotions have been going a bit crazy. I can't keep thinking about the fact that I may be an overweight healthy woman and after surgery become a thin sick woman. I ask myself the past few days "WHAT IF I TRY JENNY CRAIG OR WEIGH****CHERS ONE MORE TIME AND BEGIN GOING TO THE GYM AGAIN EVERYDAY. MAYBE I'LL LOOSE THE WEIGHT?"
But a few minutes back, while taking a bath, I couldn't help but get repulsed at how my body has become and then I think "I need this surgery". 130 lbs is too much to do alone.
My husband and I were also talking about the WLS, and tonight he said to me, "your not going to get sick are you? can you die." Wow, they were too questions that I couldn't answer for him. I think the thought of him ever having to raise our three kids (6,3,2) alone scares him. I tried to tell him the risk of childbirth, (I had 3 c-sections), the risk of his fathers double knee surgery, the risk of my mom-in-laws boob job!
I wish I would wake up tomorrow and my mind be calm. My mind, I think, needs to rest.
How did you all get through these emotions?
Ronkonkoma, NY
Lisa, I had all those same thoughts and emotions before my surgery too. Everything you're feeling is perfectly normal. And you're right that 130 lbs is very hard to lose alone. I tried many times, like most of us. I had actually lost almost 90 lbs before my surgery and kept off a little over 70 for 5 years but I was never able to lose anymore and I knew that I finally decided if I wanted a better quality of life, I was going to need this surgery.
Does your doctor's office have a support group? Attending a support group and talking to people who had their surgery before I had mine was a huge help to me. They really helped calm down my fears.
You're going to do great, don't let the anxieties get you. They'll come and go but concentrate on the excitement that your new life will bring!
the mixed emotions you are having are normal.
THIS is major SURGERY and needs to be well thought thru.
AS for me.....going on weigh****chers, jenny craig, nutri system
or anyother diet wouldnt work...sure ill loose major weight like
i have done time and time again, but as usual i gain all my weight
back plus.
WITH my new tool, i hope to make this a permenent weight loss being
i eat far less then i ever did. I never got full, i was never satisfied till
my defect was fixed on JUNE 1, 2005. NOW i get full and i know how
to eat less and its wonderful.
AS far as becomeing sick after the surgery didnt scare me. I had full confidence in my surgeon. I felt the risks of me walking around as a 310
pound women out weighed the chance of me having complications after surgery. I had a perfect surgery, a perfect recovery and im looseing
weight at a nice pace. I really have no regrets and this was the right
option for me. I think if you have faith in the other diets then you should
go at them one more time. BUT i am 43 years old and have dont every diet with much sucess, just never learned how to keep it off forever
and always failed.
Its really a personal choice. ITS not an easy one either! BUT you will
know when its right for you i know i reached that point. GOOD LUCK. THIS is a very important choice for you to make and you have to be secure in your choice. FOR me once i made up my mind that surgery was
for me i plunged into and MOVED forward rapidly leaving me no time for worry and negative to rule my mind! I stayed focused to getting all my pre sugery clearances done and focused on all that instead of the negative
risks of this surgery.
No, you are not crazy. You sound pretty normal to me. We've all had these same feelings. Your husband's feelings are normal too.
To answer his question... can you die from this surgery?... yes, but you can die from any surgery; even having your tonsils taken out. You can die giving birth, but you did that three times.
As everyone said do your research and choose a surgeon that you trust. Have your husband go with you to your consultations so he can ask any questions he has.
Only you can make the decision that is right for you. I wish you luck with whatever you decide to do. And remember, we are all here for you.