Preparing for My surgery! Sugestions?
Good luck. We share the same date!! I am planning on taking my personal care items ( soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash,brush and lip balm) Of course my slippers and a book. Most likely a tee shirt and elastic gym pants. I hate those hospital night-gowns, yet being a nurse you might want to wear theirs the first night as you will have betadine on you as they prep wash ya prior to surgery. Exciting isn't it?
I can't wait until next week. Take care and we will be on the losing side before you know it!!!

I am so excited for you! Some thoughts come to mind for me with anyone having WLS (any type). You speak of physical preparedness (gym!) and I say AWESOME! How about some mental/emotional/spiritual preparedness? I am not pushing religion or anything as spirituality/emotional/mental stuff encompasses a wde array of thoughts and ideas, so I hope u don't take offense. What I mean is how PREPARED are you mentally. Have you sat down to reflect on the reasons for surgery, your goals, hopes, wishes and desires. Have you written/journaled these. I truly believe whatever tool we have/are given/choose etc is only a small piece. Being VERY bias (being in the psychiatric profession) here I beleive the body/mind/spirit is a wonderful concept to total health and wellness. I think writing your goals, expectations, reasons helps us clarify and strengthen resolve. It can also serve as a reminder down the road if/when any bumps shall come along (plateaus etc)....To reflect back and have a sense of yeah that is what this is about can help greatly. To see the progress in yourself emotionally if you can't see if physically, how you think/feel/act is amazing when people journal or do that sort of thing. (It isn;t for everyone I know) BUT I feel this is such a life changing time, such a journy and adventure that I'd hate for people to see the subtle changes and personal growth they go through! The 'high' MANY of us get during this "rebirth" can sometimes be captured in reflective writing! Some say getting your affairs in order, with friends/family/household so you go into surgery with a quieter mind, more peace so to speak for a smoother operation/recovery. We grown in so many ways I beleive after wls despite 'shrinking' in others! It is one tool to measure progress along the 'weigh' so to speak! Of course take photos now and MONTHLY! Take your measurements NOW and MONTHLY! To track progress in other ways. The goals you have not only for wt loss, but health, a checklist of to do things, I guess I'll stop rambling! I wish you the best on your adventure and have an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery ok!
PS if you or anyone wants a PDF copy (431KB) of the 'Along the Weigh' journal I will gladly email it to you just email me off list ok!
154 pages a suppliment from Michelle Boastens book Wt Loss Surgery Understanding and overcoming Obesity. I got it online I can't find the link right now....
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
Kenny, Best wishes and my thoughts will be with you on the 25th. If you like music maybe bring a cd player with your earphones it may help you close your eyes and relax unless your into heavy metal
and bring a photo of your boys to give you that extra encouragement to get out of bed and walk.I bet when I go to the hospital they will think I'm there on vacation with all the crap I'll probably bring. Keep us posted Kenny.