What did you eat?
(deactivated member)
on 1/18/06 10:01 pm - MT
on 1/18/06 10:01 pm - MT
Thanks for adding your post.. ~hugs~
I have to tell you when I was young I would have pickeled pigs feet
Take care
Debra P

Hi Deb and everyone.
B protein drink
L string cheese 7 4 oz carb control yogurt
D 2 tbs chicken salad (w/onion, celery &lite mayo) on 4 wheatsworth crackers and 1 tbs cottage cheese
S protein drink
tomorrow at 8:00 am is my endoscopy. We may find out why the food, pills, vitamins, and some liquids are causing pain. Wish me luck!!!

(deactivated member)
on 1/18/06 10:02 pm - MT
on 1/18/06 10:02 pm - MT
You should be there now and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayer that you find out.... ~hugs~ Please let us know when you get home...
Debra P

Hiya everyone!
Rain, fog, icey roads...this visiting nurse has stepped in too many slushy puddles in one day than most people do in a lifetime! Yikes!
Here's my pre op stuff:
B: slim fast shake, banana
S:slim fast shake
L: ceasar salad with chicken, no crutons
S: 1/4 c almonds, south beach diet protein bar
D: medium bowl chili with cheddar on top
Protein, water, excercise...8 more pounds to go till I reach my 10% (30lbs)...

(deactivated member)
on 1/18/06 10:03 pm - MT
on 1/18/06 10:03 pm - MT
Yes it was icky out and the ice was so bad last night....
You will be down that 8 lbs before you know it...
Take care
Debra P