Protein intake????
Hi All,
After my last visit to Dr. Garber, Donna (PA) asked me if I was getting at least 50 g of protein in each day. I was and this was through protein drinks, fat free milk, lo carb/sugar free yogurt and sf yogurt drink. She said I should be trying eggs, tuna and lean meats more often. I like eggs but at that time and still, eggs, chicken, and some other proteins are not going down well. Tuna is ok when mixed with lite mayo.
Anyway, I've upped the protein drink to twice daily (since I got a few emails, quite lengthy too!) about taking in a double protein drink at one time. I asked the nutritionist and she said that 30 at a time is about optimal for the average person.
I track all my food and proteins daily as I wait for my dial up to connect (about 10 minutes) and I'm averaging about 55 daily. Some days are less and some are more. I plan on increasing it gradually over the next few months.
Great Question to Post! Thank you Debra 8-l