Protein intake????
(deactivated member)
on 1/12/06 9:28 pm - MT
on 1/12/06 9:28 pm - MT
Hello again ~Hugs~
I was wondering how much protein you all take in each day, I am about 50-80 grams a day most of the time. Back when I had my check up they said it should be around that but now that we are 7 months out how much do you take in?
I know eating to little or to much protein you will stop losing so I was just wondering...
Thanks for sharing ~hugs~
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 1/12/06 11:09 pm - MT
on 1/12/06 11:09 pm - MT
Thanks hun ~Hugs~ I get about 40 grams of carbs a day and I think that is the high for a low carb diet. I do go over on some days and I notice I do not lose that much that week because of it.
Take care and thanks again
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 1/12/06 11:11 pm - MT
on 1/12/06 11:11 pm - MT
Well I read somewhere (can't remember where) that you should be getting in more protein but when I am near 100 it seems I lose slower but that could be because my carbs are higher as well.
It is slowing down so I was just re-looking at what I am taking in.
Thanks hun
Have a great weekend. 
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 1/12/06 11:12 pm - MT
on 1/12/06 11:12 pm - MT
Yeah I need to keep track of it all because when I don't I notice I am not losing as much...weird but when I start I notice I am eating to many I should be doing that every day.
Debra P

Everytime I go to Dr Garber's for my montly check-up, Donna asks me if I am getting at least 40 grams of protein in a day....its been like that since at least 6 months out. I dont really keep track of my protein, too much but I do knwo that I am getting at least 40 grams. I have been loosing weight each and every month so I guess Im doing something right!! 

I did hear that if you eat too much protein, you can gain weight or stop loosing.
I do know that if I havent eaten enough protein during the day...I feel in in my body.

(deactivated member)
on 1/13/06 12:10 am - MT
on 1/13/06 12:10 am - MT
Yeah so I was not sure what the range is now since it WAS 40-60 but now being 7 months out I am not so sure and I do need to get into the office but with the house and this weather taking the trip is not going to happen.
Thanks hun ~hugs~ Have a great weekend... 
Oh say hello to Harry for us...
Debra P

RE: Protein intake????I think no hard/fast rule...for protein amountsI think we are individual in our needs as well as how our bypass/malabsorbtion works....Labs are important to follow (prealbumin, albumin, total protein etc) monitor for life...(Carbs are individual some aren't bothered by, many are sensitive...The magic number is something u have to work on I suppose....) I think when I did count if I keep around 50 I am ok..some cant do more than 30, others 100 is ok?!Protein you eat (food) is not totally absorbed...can't count that all...Protein you drink from a whey predigested shake should be counted (and used imho for life) as proxies many sources say 3 a day at 30G each, that is 90g protein from shakes, many don't feel u can count the food in any reliable way...This is not everyone's belief, many surgeons still (sigh) recommend Carnation Instant breakfast NSA (we all know my opinion and nickname for this Crap in a box!) as protein...well its spruced up powdered milk is all (expensive at that and no better absorbed than milk....) and 50% less protein than a cup of milk for same calories! and TUMS (calcium carbonate which needs stomach acid for absorption/utilization of which we have little/none) so Although surgeons may be good Cutters they aren't the best at nutrition! (*personal opinion)...Now what *I* do:Carbs no counting I eat a south beach philosophy lifestyle, reigning in less carbs when I am up wt wise or increased hunger and allow to go to more extremes at other times using high fiber multigrain carbs, better carbs (Veggies and Lower GI fruits such as apples/berries)..Protein 2 whey shakes a day 23g protein each...(46g total)~this is what I COUNT!protein from food most days lo carb yogurt has 12g/lean protein bites 15g protein, noon salad has 4 oz chicken=24g, 1/2 HB egg =3g, dinner is usually 5 oz meat so 35g there , maybe a snack of nuts at 8g food 97 grams of which I don't know how to count? Malabsorb how much some say 30% some say less/more...IF I absorbed it all I'd eat 143g/day on average at 3+ yrs out (hey maybe why I have nice hair and great nails?, why my protein levels are awesome, why I don't look like a gray ghost w thin/brittle hair!(as we call many post wlsers who are so protein malnourished, anemic and vitamin lacking! due to not knowing how to or choosing to care for self properly!WHY I do it? They whey is a great appetite suppressant, nourishes my body for what it craves, cuts carb cravings and well I will keep doing until the labs say different, until my wt says different, until my clinical nutrition MD says different or until it stops working! I am into doing what works these days...I do of course drink 64 oz pure water each day and at least another 64 oz of non carbonated/caffeinated/calorie fluid (decaf herbal teas, sf koolaid, crystal lite etc).........
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02
Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# pre-op)
Plastics 6/9/04 Dr. King