Need some advice....
Hey all...
I had my surgery on Sept. 20th 2005 and I am down about 60lbs. My starting weight was 330 and I am now 270. I have had my ups and downs as far as emotions but I seem to be getting more and more depressed. Yes I am in therapy and have joined a few support groups. But it seems that the more my weight is stagnant, the more depressed I get. My mind hasn't caught up with my body I guess. Its frustration! I am following my "diet" plan and exercising but nothing seems to give. I am the type of person that I want things to happen "now" and I know that It takes time to loose 180lbs. I know I need to be patient. But its so tough. I have had alot of complications after surgery and it has taken alot out of me. Im afraid of gaining all of that weight back. I have nightmares about it.
Can anyone tell me where there is a support group by Goldens Bridge?...(Upper Westchester)?
Thanks for letting me vent...any advice and/or comments are greatly appreciated.
Lots of love..
There is a support group at St. John's Riverside Hospital that meets the third Thursday of every month. The next meeting is January 19th.
Please try not to get discouraged. It takes time to lose as much as most of us have to lose. I had my surgery 2 years ago. I've lost 150 lbs., and have about another 30 lbs. to go. I've been stuck at the same weight for 11 months. Probably my fault though, as I have not been as diligent as I should be.
The one thing you didn't mention was water. Are you getting in enough water? You might want to try increasing both protein and water. That can sometimes kickstart weight loss.
Good luck to you and keep your chin up.

(deactivated member)
on 1/5/06 9:36 pm - MT
on 1/5/06 9:36 pm - MT
Hun I am not sure about the support group but I wanted to say CONGRATS on your weight loss so far.
I am sure you have to be feeling so much better from that. I know at times it can be very tough! Hang in there hun ~Hugs~
I know for me I was getting upset when I felt it was not moving fast enough, I mean I took this BIG step and had this surgery so why was it coming off so slow. Takeing some pics really helped me see but I still have problems seeing almost 100 lbs gone! I guess it will take some time as well but I do know that I feel so much better.
Good that you have the support and I am hoping you start to feel better soon ~hugs~ Please come here to say hello, vent and just chat anytime you want/need to. We are always here.
Debra P

Welome to the losing side and congratulations on your 60lbs lost...that is great.......

please don't get discouraged you did not get to your highest weight over night and it will not come off over night so hang in there and stick with it.....please try adding more water and protiens in......
I don't know if you know this but those that lose slower usually have less loose skin hanging as to those who lose lots of weight fast......and remember all of our bodies are different so we will lose differently....and usually if you are not losing weight you are losing inches.....and inches are very important to lose.....pounds loses muscle inches loses fat.....
if you need someone to talk to please e-mail me and I will send you my number......
best of luck to you....

FIRST A BIG round of congrats for #1 having the courage to educate yourself on this life-alterning surgery, #2 decide that it was what you wanted/needed, #3 followed your decision and had this surgery that requires you change your life forever! #4 on the bonus of 60# lost so far in just over 3 months time! #5 on deciding to post and reach ourt for support! YOU ARE A SURVIVOR!
NOW the depression....I am happy you are in counseling. But medication (if not already on) may be needed, or needed to be increased or changed (Hope your not on a sustained release med!) this is prime time for HIBERNATION SYNDROME to hit you! (*I treat many Wlsers postop U R NOT ALONE!)
Summarized from:
Weight Loss surgery: Finding the thin person hiding inside of you second edition by Barbra Thompson P. 198
"Hibernation syndrome can be experienced in early weeks/months after surgery, when the body (brain) realizes that it will not be getting the nourishment that it is used to receiving and reacts to that. Your body just wants to stay immobile until the old food supply returns, you will feel extremely tired, lethargic and often depressed. This comes at a time when you are beginning to recover from the traumatic effects of the surgery. The pain is usually gone and the energy was just starting to return....The best way to deal with this if it affects you (not everyone gets it) is to recognize the symptoms and know it is normal. Then start exercise so that the body "figures out" it has ample energy/fuel stored and does not have to be fed constantly.
Mourning the loss of food in the way we once knew it also can trigger a GRIEF strong we can become depressed severely!
In addition at the time we are losing wt, the estrogenis released from our fat cells making us have a bad case of PMS so to speak (hormonal turnmoil!)
So it is normal, common and please keep on with the healthy habits as best you can, the therapy and perhaps meds if indicated as they will help you be successful longterm! I say this isn't a race, the goal is HEALTH, wt loss is a bonus.
THROW OUT THE HUNKAMETAL it will make you obsessed. IT is one very unreliable measure of success. U R already a success dear! YOU are storng and intelligent! you'll get through this keep posting for support okay! Weigh NO MORe than 1x week, see how your clothes fit, how your measurements are.. YOUR body will drop wt IN ITS OWN time! Do not compare yourself to others ok, PLATEAUS happen but they pass also. Many of us feel, OH I WILL BE THE ONLY ONE THIS DOESN'T work for! works just need a little patience is all! HUGE hugs of support, some wake up and 5# seem to drop all at once.
Remember we can influence our wt, we can not control it, OUR GOALS of wt loss are just that goals, our stupid body doesn't care!
The complications may also add to the sdness/frustration.
Again keep posting and I hope u find an in person support group soone THEY HELP!
Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"