Had colonoscopy ! Thank god it os over !
Hi all !
Well I got through it yet again ! I did'nt however escape the pain !
Prep lastnight was a living hell ! I was up all night sitting on the and I got so sick to my stomach I .
And yes , once again I got raw sore to the point of bleeding !
To top that all off I also felt alot of pain when I got the scope !
The last one I had at least I did'nt feel anything but this time ...............
WHOA !!!!! I don't think this Dr. used the same med's to sedate me as the last one did . I felt everything ! I watched it on the screen as he did it , well most of the time I had my eyes closed and was telling them how bad it hurt !
I liked the Dr. but as far as the way he sedates he needs to improve !
I have to go for my endoscope to the same Dr. on Wednesday and I am very scared now to have that done !
One of the nurses told me he uses the same drugs to sedate for that !
OOOOOOOOOCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to tell him that he will not be doing the procedure unless he uses something else so I don't feel it all !
All in all it is such a releif to have it over with !
He said he did not find anything but took byopsies to be sure .
Well I just wanted to let everyone know how it went and to also find a ear or two to listen to my vent and whining !
Thanks to all whom lent an ear !
I'm sorry you're in pain. I don't understand why he didn't put you to sleep. I had both of those tests done before my surgery and I was completely out. I didn't feel a thing. The prep was the worst part. You might want to consider another doctor.
Are you from Long Island. I can recommend a really good gastroenterologist. Tavia went to him and he's the one who finally found her problem.
Tavia V
on 1/5/06 7:48 am - Long Island, NY
on 1/5/06 7:48 am - Long Island, NY
It's a funny thing, his office called me today and he wants to reschedule my colonoscopy. I told her I am having surgery again in a couple of weeks and am in no mood for that now. She said she understood and to call back when I am better.
Last week the OTHER GI doctor from the surgeon called and left another message about rescheduling an colonoscopy with him from ways back. I erased the message like I didnt even hear it...What message? Dr. Who? For Wha?
I feel so special that everyone wants to take a look up my butt.
Thanks. I am not from Long Island , so I won't be fortunate enough to see the GI doc that you and Tavia used.
I know what you mean when you say that you did not feel a thing b/c I had a prior colonoscopy in 2004 by a different Dr. and I did not feel a thing . The prep was very hard on me though !
The reason I used this Dr. is that is what my surgeon recommends.
All my testing is to be done at Ellis hospital and they ( my surgeons office ) makes all the appts. for me .
I trust my surgeon totally ! I don't think it was so much the GI doc. it was the type of drugs he uses.
I know if I should have to get another one I will be going back to my own regular GI doc.
Thanks for your kind words.
Take Care,
Tavia V
on 1/5/06 8:09 am - Long Island, NY
on 1/5/06 8:09 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Carol,
Oh gosh! I am sorry you had to go through that! What did they give you? Twlight? Usually that stuff just knocks you out! Well, at least that nightmare is over.
I found out after my first endoscopy that I am allergic to the twlight meds so I do those tests WIDE awake. The endoscopy is the worst awake...Its pretty horrible. When I did the endoscopy the first time(pre-surgery), I just woke up and it was done, but I had a horrible reaction to the meds.
The other two endoscopies I had done, I was wide awake. I also was looking at the screen...tears running down my face...cursing(actually gagging) the day the doctor and surgeon were born, etc. I am getting chills just thinking about it! Well, at least I know I am nice and pink and full of spit bubbles!
I dont mean to scare you but you really shouldn't be awake during those if you dont need to be. If I were you, I would look into maybe another GI to do that test on you that will give you the twlight. GOOD LUCK!
Thanks for giving me the up and up on that endoscope procedure !
I sure don't want to feel a thing when they do it. I will be sure and not let them touch me unless I know that I will be out !
I can't look into another GI doc as my surgeon recommends this one and has made all the appts. for me . I guess this is the way they do things .
I got a combination of Demerol and something else that I can't remember
You Take care sweetie !
Hi Carol-
Oh my God-that sounds miserable!! I had it done the day before Thanksgiving and was totally out-did not feel or remember a thing. I have also had an endoscopy done and was unaware of the procedure as well. I don't know who you used as your dr but I used Dr Litynski who did the procedure right at Ellis. I really liked him and he used "good drugs"
Sorry your day was so horrible
Take care!
Thank you for your kind words. Yeah, I have to say that it was pretty miserable !!!
I used the Dr. that my surgeon wanted me to have . I won't mention his name as I feel that it is just the drugs he uses and not him . He is a very likeable man.
Anyhow next week I am making sure I get something else !
By the way what did they give you ?
If you can tell me I will ask him to give me what you had !
Thanks Tara!
Good Luck with the Medifast !
When I had both my endoscopy and colonoscopy, there was an anesthesiologist who administered the anesthesia. Not just the gastro doctor. Is this guy doing these proecedures alone? There's no rule that says you have to use the doctor that your surgeon recommends. You're the boss and you can use any doctor you want.
I hope the endo goes better for you.
No, I did not have an anesthesiologist . The GI Dr. and a RN and another nurse did the procedure . The RN I remember seeing her with the needle and the medication on one side of me and on the side where my big butt was, was the GI doc and the other nurse . I kept being told to take deep breaths and to hang in there that they were giving me more medication !
But I did not for one second fall aslee*****t feel any of the pain . They said I would not remember the procedure . I remember it all from start to finish ! So like I said what ever they used did not sedate me enough and they need to give me something else that works !
I am gonna stick with this GI doc but when I go for that endoscope next week " I am not gonna let him touch me unless I am assured that I will be absolutely OUT !"
Thanks so much for your support !