roll call
Hello everyone
Ok I'm back again.....,and yes you have lifted my spirits and got me moving again....thank you all....I knew posting again would really help....
Who's here and what was your resalution for this year.....I know mine wasn't dieting but it was to not spend money frugally(sp?)
I hope you all have a great day....don't forget to take your vitmins, drink your water and exercise......sign a sugery page or two
opps yesterday I didn't drink enough water so today I will work on more water....


(deactivated member)
on 1/4/06 11:13 pm - MT
on 1/4/06 11:13 pm - MT
Hello hun ~hugs~ Glad to see you are back and posting now.
Hey did you get to walk at lunch yesterday? I wish I could but the trail here now is covered in snow, for cross country skiing...They just do not remove the snow on the trail in the winter so no place to walk with all this snow but I am having hubby put the treadmill in our den so I can see the TV while walking.
Thanks for the idea hun and the motivation to start back, your the best! 
My resalution to to better work on eating healthy and getting in some form of exercise (walking) every day!
Take care ~Hugs~
Debra P

Hi hun and thanks it feel real good to be back....
Nope I didn't get to walk but I walk to the further train stations yesterday instead of the one right here by me and wow I didn't drive to work either.....I know there is alot of things I have to change in my life but I will take it one task at a time....but thank god I did get to walk.....
I also am putting the treadmill out to where I can see the tv I will walk on that too...cause in the bad wheather here I don't want to go out either....
glad I could help Deb.....

[wavvvvvvvvvvves!] I am getting to go home to Texas next month and can hardly wait, because NOBODY is gonna recognize me! AND I get to go shopping!
Today I tried Stacker2 Protein Water in Pink Lemonade, but I couldn't tell if I like it or not because the onion from my lunch was killing the flavor. I will report more on this tomorrow. It has 20 grams per 20 oz bottle, no carbs and no fat.
Have a wonderful day!
Ooooh... good topic! My New Year's Resolution is to get back into exercise with the same fervor that I had 5 years ago when I first joined a gym! I used to go 5-6 times a week and felt great (even though I didn't lose another ounce). So now I'm trying hard to get back into that routine because for the longest time I was so disgusted with the fact that I couldn't lose the rest of my weight (pre-WLS) that I had stopped going altogether, figuring it didn't really make a difference so why bother.
But that was the old negativity! The "New Vi" has got her groove back
and has been at the gym 5-6 nights a week for a minimum of 45 mins!

Hi Vi
you are no longer pre- wls so yes away with the negativity.....and on with the new.......even if you weren't losing weight the gym gives you energy....and that has to count for something......god knows I need the energy.....
I'm sure you will get to your goal stay focused and always put your best foot forward.....
Have a great day Vi

I always love to see you here ! Well my New Years resolution is to get healthy by losing weight and exercising ! I have already started the excercising . I do the walk away the pounds dvd's and or vhs tapes . I have the 1 mile up to 4 mile . I have used these in the past and found that they work and it is not so hard on our bodies as some excercise's are .
I have trouble walking on my left foot as my ankle kills me when walking for fitness outdoor's but these tapes are wonderful , my foot and ankle does'nt hurt a bit when I do them .
It also has weight lifting with 3 to 5 lb. dumb-bells .
I just got to get to the losing weight part which I know I will soon enough when I start the medifast on the 25 th.
I figure I want to get into the best shape I can before surgery.
As always Christine , love to see you !
Take care and sending you a bunch of luck for succeeding with your New Years resolution !