SF peanutbrittle/SF Fudge (was stevia? post for Brenda)
Peanut Brittle (with conversions for SF)
3 cups sugar (splenda)
1 cup white corn syrup (3/4 cup splenda, ¼ cup water, 2 tbs cream of tartar --this is the hard part and the measurements are approximate--you are trying to get this to the same consistency as karo syrup or it just won't work--trust me!)
1/2 cup water
3 cups raw Spanish peanuts
1 cup peanut butter (all natural, no sugar added--or carb options (made by skippy)
1 tablespoon real butter, land o' lakes, salted
1 teaspoon salt (or nusalt)
2 tablespoons vanilla
2 tablespoons baking soda
1)Grease 2 long pieces of foil and have them ready on the counter top.
2)Make your "karo" syrup as directed above.
3)Combine sugar, syrup, and water in heavy 5-6 quart pan. On medium
heat, stir until sugar melts, then add peanuts. Leave on medium
to medium high heat and stir occasionally. Coo****il candy
thermometer reaches 300 degrees, the hard crack stage. Syrup will be
golden and peanuts will "pop" because they have roasted. Remove from
heat and add the butter, peanut butter, salt, and vanilla
stirring well.
4)ADD soda LAST. (Mix everything except the soda and
add first, when melted in, add soda last.)Candy will "puff up". Pour
candy on pieces of greased foil. Pour candy quickly and stretch,
using a fork or hands, when cool enough. Cool and break into pieces.
*Makes 2 1/2 to 3 pounds. (Recipe can easily be cut in half!)
The cook highly recommends a candy thermometer for perfect
brittle! And, a very, very low humidity day. Peanut brittle will be
sticky if there is too much humidity in the air.
***For jalapeno peanut brittle add a 12 oz bottle of de-seeded
minced jalapenos at the same time you add the peanuts. Omit the
peanut butter and add 5-7 drops of green food color with the baking
soda. Also 2 tbs of almond extract at the same time as the vanilla.
Sugar Free Peanut Brittle
Nature Sweet is an amazing sugar replacer with the properties of sugar that allow for this delicious sugar free buttery golden mouthwatering Peanut Brittle. If you have tasted any of the new sugar free hard candy now on the market, this is the product responsible for the amazing taste and texture.
½ cup butter
1 cup Nature Sweet Crystals, available on this website(see NOTE)
http://store.bariatriceating.com/sweeteners.html or http://tinyurl.com/ak2nc (steels site)
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups roasted salted peanuts
Lightly coat a cookie sheet with nonstick cooking spray and set aside. Melt butter in a large nonstick skillet. Stir in Nature Sweet Crystals and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Mixture will first stay separate and appear grainy, then blend together smoothly. Coo****il syrup darkens to a golden caramel color, about the same color as the peanuts, 15-18 minutes (hard crack stage in a cup of icewater), then remove from heat. Working quickly, first stir in vanilla extract,then fold in nuts. Transfer onto prepared baking sheet, and using the cooking spoon, pat nuts and candy into single layer. Allow mixture to harden at room temperature. When brittle has cooled completely break into bite sized pieces and store in an airtight container.
http://store.bariatriceating.com/featuredrecipe.html (SHE HAS MANY GOOD RECIPES here!)
NOTE: Do NOT substitute Splenda or Nutrasweet for the Nature Sweet Crystal in this recipe as the properties of these sweeteners are completely different. Copyright © 2005 by Susan Maria Leach www.BariatricEating.com, HarperCollins Pub. Inc. all rights reserved.
SF Protein Fudge
2 cups your favorite chocolate protein. (mine are champion pure whey stack or PVL whey Gourmet milk or dark Chocolate * I added links below to buy if needed!)
1/2 stick melted butter
4 ounces lowfat cream cheese
1 or 2 tbs good powdered chocolate powder (Ghirdelli)
1/2 to 2/3 cup splenda.
Chopped nuts
Melt the butter and cream cheese together over medium heat,
mix in the protein and other ingredients. ) Mixture will be very
stiff, so you gotta work at it to get it blended, add a dash of
sugarfree syrup (hazelnut, coffee, etc.) if it gets too stiff. I roll it up
in saran wrap and let harden then cut into about 18 pieces.
Approx. 80 cals each.
This is delish! And I think better quality than most of the protein
bars out there.
Champion pure whey stack:
protein Samples first to try sites that sell!:
http://www.vitalady.com/products-samples.htm (Champion and manymore doesn't have PVL)
http://tinyurl.com/9prnh (PVL or champion and many more)
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
Thank you so much for your post about the Stevia and also for these recipes. I have experimented with the Splenda, but did not know how to substitute for the corn syrup. I can hardly wait to try this peanut brittle and fudge.
You are wonderful to do this for me!!!! I am going to check out the sites on Stevia you gave me to see about baking with Stevia. Again, thank you so much!!!!!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.