Hello! I'm feeling better these days.
Happy Holidays to One and All -
First of all, many thanks to all of you who sent me emails while I was in the hospital. I really appreciated looking at them last week. I'm home after being in with complications due to an abcess that developed below my diaphragm...I was back in the hospital from 11/9 to 12/3, and once home still had to give myself intravenous antibiotics 4 times a day for 2 weeks.
I am feeling stronger now, and able to walk several blocks. I lost a lot of muscle tone during this fiasco. I still have some pain from the chest incision (ultimately my left lung was so compromised I had to have an operation for that as well).
My spirits are finally starting to look up, and I can finally appreciate the weight loss. I was a size 32 when I started, and found I finally fit into my favorite size 24 jeans. That's the smallest I've been in my adult life..and it hit me that I will ultimately shrink out of these 24s some day. So step by step, I'm getting back to being happy I had the WLS...I was not so sure about that in the middle of my hospital stay.
Thanks for all your support, and I'm glad to be up to reaching out to you all... I've missed OH NY!
Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy 2006,
Mary Mc
Tavia V
on 12/26/05 11:20 am - Long Island, NY
on 12/26/05 11:20 am - Long Island, NY
Hi Mary,
I am so glad to hear you are doing better now. I know how hard it is to suffer so much and how you mind starts to go alittle. When you have bad complications from this surgery I don't see how its not normal to feel like you regret it when you are suffering so much at the time.
But it really gets easier and better...one day at a time. I look at it this way I traded in emotional scars(from being so overweight) for physical scars. I think of them as battle scars b/c I been through so much and have been such a trooper about it all. Maybe one day you will think of them like that as well, but I am sorry you had to go through so much.
I lost a lot of muscle tone as well and needed physical therapy. I couldn't walk up stairs, stand for more than a few minutes at a time, get off the toliet by myself, get out of bed myself. etc etc. Those were the "fun days". Just do little things at a time and it will slowly come back.
I am very happy to hear you are starting to enjoy the weight loss. You will get out of those 24 jeans before you know it. Heck, I am in a size 0 now, ME of all people! If someone told me last christmas I would be in a size 0 I would kindly ask them what they were smoking.
Keep your chin up, rest up and email me anytime you want to talk!