What to do for diarrhea?
I've had this bad cold for the past two days and a fever
and now I have the dreaded diarrhea too.
My stomach isn't bothering me at all and all I've had today is a protein shake, some broth and 3 oz of tuna (trying to keep things that might make me puke from all the coughing to a minimum)! I just tried eating 1/4 of a banana to keep my potassium up
and have had no problem, but I was looking though my WLS Surgery for Dummies book for any other ideas and they don't have much on this subject. All they mentioned is gastroenteritis which I'm pretty sure I don't have!
So I was wondering what the rest of you have done when/if you've had diarhhea? I'm trying to drink more water so I don't dehydrate, since I know that's something we have to worry about more than other people now! (I had my surgery 8 weeks ago.)
P.S. In other news, I finally saw a number below 300 on my scale today (for the first time in 17 years) and I'm soooooooooooooooo happy! 

I just got over a 14 day bout with dairrhea....
and even saw a GASTRO doctor for it yesterday.
BUT of course by the time my appointment came
around i was better.
We did talk and the doctor mentioned stomach type
viruses will stay around longer due to our anatomy changes
to the stomach. SO that explains why i was troubled so long.
HE said not much to take its the body fighting off the bug.
MOST the products wont help till the virus runs its course.
Hi Lisa,
Th diarrhea seems to have let up last night so I'm wondering if maybe the sucrose in the 2 doses of the Tylenol Cold and Flu that I took might have caused it?
I decided to lay off that stuff for now and I'm going in to see my regular MD in a little while since I've had the fever for 3 days now. Hopefully she can give me something to help me function again so I can get back to work on Monday!