If you use Surgical Intensvisits , Drs Kaul, Cerbona & Yatco I have come clothes
I'm to lazy to put them on ebay or mail them. So if you want some jeans ( 20W) and some work button up shirts ( 22/24) I can drop them at the office and put them in the closet for you if you want. The shirts are practically brand new and the pants are a little worn but still serviceable for free. If you want pictures I can take them tonight and email them if you want.
Oh I would love them!!! I see them on the 28th for my next post op appointment. I would definitely love the shirts, as for the pants, I'm 5'10" so unless you are tall too, they probably won't work for me, I have that problem a lot!
Thanks for offering!

Hi Vi,
I got an email from Lisa asking for the stuff. But what I'll do is leave the bags in the closet and you guys can check it out. I don't have an appt with them till 12/30.
Unfortunately I'm short, we're talking 5'1. But there are a couple of skirts that might be good as minis for you since they are like down past my knees for me.
You can email me anytime if you want pictures of stuff. Take care