What did you eat?
(deactivated member)
on 12/8/05 9:44 pm - MT
on 12/8/05 9:44 pm - MT
Good Morning All, ~hugs~
Ok, we really liked the house we viwed yesterday and we put in an offer so we will see if they take it, we are prepared to pay full price for this one if we have to so we will see.
Snowing like crazy today and of course I am at work because my hubby HAD to go in. Now I would have stayed home myself but I figured that since he came in I would go as well. Now I wish I would have just stayed home.
The roads are really bad but should be cleared around 3pm from what they say so we will see.
What I had yesterday to eat:
B- 3 1/2 oz cottage cheese with fresh starwberries
S- 1/2 cup light popcorn
L- 1/2 subway Atkins wrap (seafood Salad)
S- String Cheese, some beef jerky
D- 3 oz Ham, some mashed potatos, natural applesauce
S-some natural mixed nuts
Ok that was it and I guess I had more carb then I should have but sometimes I just have those days...
Well take care all and
have a great day!
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 12/8/05 10:30 pm - MT
on 12/8/05 10:30 pm - MT
Hun thanks so much and we are hoping this one will work out since hubby and I both believe that things happen for a reason and maybe now we know why the 1st one that we made an offered on did not work out. Maybe we are meant to be in this one.
We will see...
Thanks hun ~Hugs~
Debra P

morning deb...
tell us about the house...where is it? what's your favorite part about it? I hope they accept your offer!
we're getting all rain down here on the island...the weather people truly haven't a clue what they are talking about!
do you and your hubby work for the same company? (just curious) be careful going home...my g/f in middletown called me this morning and said that you guys are getting hit pretty bad up there...
B - south beach cinnamon raisin protein cereal bar
L - protein shake
D - crabmeat stuffed sole and baby vegies
I was so bloated yesterday that I just didn't feel like eating anything...I couldn't even drink my water...I only got 3 bottles in. oh well today is another day
enjoy your weekend and be careful on the roads!

(deactivated member)
on 12/8/05 10:33 pm - MT
on 12/8/05 10:33 pm - MT
The best part of it is the wood burning stove and the land, it is on slightly over 1/2 acre which is so nice.
There is so much we can do with this house to improve on it down the line.
Yes we are getting hammered right now..
Well I am not sure how much but WOW it is coming down!!! Hubby and I work for different companies but we are only 1 town over from each other and we have a 1/2 hr commute so we ride together. In the nice weather he rides his motorcycle and sometimes I even come to work on it.
Well take care hun and try to stay dry.. ~hugs~
Debra P

Well, guys, I MADE IT TO ONE-DERLAND!!!! This morning I was 198.4. Finally!!!!!
Yesterday I ate:
Lots of water
2 Endulge packages
Stewed Chicken
Endulge package
A few sugar free twizzlers
Trail mix
Stallone Pudding
And I went to the gym for the 2nd time. Hooray hooray hooray......
(deactivated member)
on 12/9/05 3:20 am - MT
on 12/9/05 3:20 am - MT
Feisty One,
I posted to your other post as well
I am so glad for you hun. ~Hugs~
Debra P