Pain Question?
I'm 7 weeks out and some days eating is a real chore (no appetite or food justs has no appeal/taste). Yesterday I had such an awful time trying to eat... nothing would appeal to me. For breakfast I had ONE tiny turkey sausage link, for lunch (at almost 3pm) I had two or three bites of a Weigh****chers entree and then I tossed it in the garbage. At dinner time I had a few bites of a lowfat bean burrito and that was it!
I think if I ate 300 calories for the whole day, it was a lot! Normally I do better than that, but it was just one of those days when nothing appealed or felt good in the tummy!
Anyway, last night when I was trying to sleep I got this really sharp pain in my stomach, sort of behind my belly button, maybe a little higher. It got worse when I tried to lay on my left side so I got up and walked around a bit. Finally I went to sleep at almost 2am but the pain woke me up a few times and I had it a lot today at work too.
I don't think it's a hernia because I've had two of those before and this doesn't feel like one.
I tried to eat better today and I even managed to eat a small protein bar and after the protein bar the pain started getting stronger again. Almost to the point where it hurt to stand up really straight.
Anyone else ever have something like this? I called my surgeon and they asked me to come in tomorrow, of course you know with my luck this big snowstorm that they are predicting will keep me trapped in the house!
I don't think it's gas either, but who knows?