Has anyone had surgery in Buffalo, NY or By Dr. Posner or Curana?
Hi I am new here- I was wondering if anyone had surgery in the Buffalo area? If so by who and what hospital? And how were the results?
Also has anyone had surgery by Dr. Posner or Dr. Caurana?
WHat insurance do you have?
I have Indepent Health, and they said Curan isout of net work so my next option was Posner but Ihavent heard much about him. I am very skeptical and stil doing some research here. Thanks
I had surgery w/ Dr Posner. He's an excellent surgeon but visiting his office you would never know. They are very disorganized there. I wanted Caruana but I have IHA also and he was out of my network. Dr. Posner is at Buffalo General which I wasn't to fond of. I'm 3 weeks post op and it took me nearly a year to get into see him so send out your application asap. I am down 25lbs at my 2 week checkup. Email me if you have anymore questions.
hi I have th epaper work and it has been sitting here as I was debating- I really want Dr. Caruana but I have IH and he is out of network although I have read that some people was able to do it out of net work with no problems- -
SO YOu think everything went well? Are you haveing any problems? IT took you a year to get the surgery? Could you tell me what process you had to go through? After the paper work is sent in what is next and so on?
WOW 25 lbs that is GREAT!! How much do you want to lose?
I want to lose 100 plus---- at least..
Please tell me more. So you are in t he BUffalo area? IS their support group at Dr Posner? A nutrinetist? or anything help?
If you have IHA you wont be able to get Dr Caruana. I know quite a few people who tried to appeal to get him and IHAs answer is the same everytime. You have a dr in the network you have to use him. I'm happy w/ the results so far my one month is on monday and im down 25lbs. I've been stuck for the past 2 weeks but from what I understand that is due to the shock your body has been put through. I only had 2 complications so far thrush and an infected wound. I think I may be starting malnutrition now but that my own fault I'm not getting in enough protein. I can't find a protein shake that I like. or can even tolerate.
As far as the process for the surgery after filling out the paperwork and getting my dr to do their part it was like a waiting game. They called me back in july and said they had a cancelation and to come in. That day there was a presentation on the surgery , a physical, and a meeting w/ a nutritionist and the dr. It took like 6 hrs. That was the begginging of the disorganization. from there he put me on the south beach diet for 2 months. I came back for my check up and they scheduled me for surgery. They did all of the paperwork for the insurance. The only time I had to talk to IHA was when they called to tell me I was approved. About 2 weeks before the surgery I did all the preop testing and about a week before I went to my dr for clearance. One piece of advice get into your primary sooner for clearance . If they want to do any other testing it takes to long to get the results back.
When I started this whole this I weighed 345lbs. I'm down to 302.5 right now. That 25lbs is from my surgery date. Dr. Posner said he would like to see me around a size 6 or 12. I personally think hes lost it. I have hips!!! I would like to be down to about 160.but we will see
I don't know of any support groups in this area yet. I've found most of my support from this site. They do provide a nutritionist at the office. But I found doing my own research online was more helpful.
I can't think of anything else that you may need to know. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. Ok I'm done babbeling on now!!

One of my angelettes had Posner. I had Dr. Caruana and my surgery was at Sisters Hospital. Both are excellent physicians. IH has Posner in their preferred provider book. I have IH now, although I had BC/BS at the time of my surgery. There is always a long wait, so the best thing is to get the appointment and just get started.
If you have any other questions about the local area, there is a yahoo group I belong to called WLSofWNY.
Good luck and God bless!