Never Hungry!
Hi everyone. I know i should not be complaining, but i have no appetite at all. I am so turned off by food. I feel like eating is a chore. THe problem is i know i need to eat to loose and be healthy. Its such a weird feeling going from eating so much to not wanting to eat at all. Ok Lisa shut up already. How is everyone else doing?
(deactivated member)
on 12/4/05 10:25 pm - MT
on 12/4/05 10:25 pm - MT
I understand what you are saying and it does not last forever.
I know for a while I was eating and sick of all the chewing but you get past that and you do start to feel hunger again though it is not like it was in the past but it can be there at times.
I also noticed that food did not taste the same as before surgery but that gets better with time as well. I know there are still things that I just loved before and now they just do not taste the same to me but most things are ok. I know those protein shakes sure helped me get the calories and protein I needed at that time and I wish I would have known about the Stallone puddings then.
Take care hun ~hugs~
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 12/4/05 11:13 pm - MT
on 12/4/05 11:13 pm - MT
Like Lisa said this will get easier hun ~hugs~ I am sorry that the shakes make ya yucky, I know they gave me gas and made my tummy upset then I realized that I was using the 1% milk with it but it still has so much sugars so now I use the Carb Control and it is MUCH better.
Debra P

very normal at ur stages post op.
IT does go away in time. YOU eventaully
can eat more and want more.
ITS wierd its like a switch was flipped
in the brain!!!
As for me, i been sick all weekend with the runs.
ITS definitely viral being my 2nd child is comeing
down with the stomach virus too. I am barely eating
and its not good. MIGHT call the surgeon today being
i been with this since friday.
OTHERWISE i am looseing but i think thats cause everything
is going right thru me.
(deactivated member)
on 12/4/05 11:10 pm - MT
on 12/4/05 11:10 pm - MT
hun I hope you feel better soon ~Hugs~ I am sorry you have the flu, it can he hateful and I know since the surgery I think it is something more right away.
Take care of yourself and try to make sure you get all you need!
P.S. I see you did it again, you put 293 instead of 193
Old habbits die hard, right?
Hey see we are right on with each other again. I was 192 this morning....Hey I am the same way when I add more fruit it seems to help
Take care and feel better soon 
Debra P

silly deb!
YEPPERS i cant used to weighing in the 100's can I!!!
I weigh less now then my college days!
YEAH i cant shake this not throwing up like usual and as two of my kids have, i have the RUNS and been with them from friday till today still in the AM it wasnt right. DRIVING me crazy.
silly deb!
YEPPERS i cant used to weighing in the 100's can I!!!
I weigh less now then my college days!
YEAH i cant shake this not throwing up like usual and as two of my kids have, i have the RUNS and been with them from friday till today still in the AM it wasnt right. DRIVING me crazy.
Hi Lisa
Good to see you! I can tell you that you are NOT alone. I have no appetite either and once in a while I might crave something and I'll try to eat it only to be turned off by it after one or two bites. I get frustrated sometimes, but I focus on the fact that this WILL pass (from what I've read) and that someday I'll be WISHING I had no appetite!
We're just in those "baby" beginning phases right now, so I guess we have to be patient?
I miss the joy of eating right now, but I know that will come back and in the meantime I have the joy of losing weight!