Hi every one it is so hard to post since I had the baby, every time I get ready to sit at the computer to post she wakes up. Well here goes I was suppose to be due on 12/5 according to my sonogram but according to my last period I was due on 11/24. I went to the Dr's . office on 11/16 and when the Dr. checked me he said my cervix is long and I'm not even dilated, but since I had 5 births already that don't mean anything. Well Willisha Janica (Jah-ni-ka) decided to come on 11/20 I woke up as usual at 3:45 in the am to do a bathroom run and also to take my dd to the bathroom also but never made it, when I went into her room and bent over to wake her up I fel****er trinkling and when I looked down it was bloody so I left my dd room and rushed into the bathroom, and called my DH he came to the bathroom and asked me what happened I said I think my water broke, so I cleaned up got the kids up and dressed, DH was getting dressed, I called my Dr's office and then they called me back and said wait until I went into labor but my pain wasn't bad I told her that I never went into labor with my last two births, so she said to come in, I dropped my dd of at my niece's house and I went into the hospital I got there at around 4:45-5:00am and when they checked me I was 2-3cm dilated so I thought they were going to send me home because I wanted to go to Church, but they didn't they said they were keeping me, so they ordered breakfast for my DH. My contractions started coming every 15min apart so they decided to give me potocin to speed it up well it worked and every half hour they up it more, I had a natural birth they asked me am I sure that I didn't want an epidural I said I was sure, even though the pain was kicking my behind, my DH was sitting there cracking jokes as usual with every one and he started to tell me I was making to much noise so I screamed at him to shut up and he never said another word LOL. they came in and checked me around 2pm and they said I was 5cm they told me to lay on my left side to speed thing up at around 3:30 they checked me again and said I was just a lip, the nurse asked if she should break down the bed the midwife says no at about 3:45 I let out a loud grunt as to push and every one ran in and said that's what they were waiting for or rather listening for, they told me not to push, they didn't even have time to break down the bed, because I was pushing even when they said not to push that was the hardest thing to do and when they gave me the ok to push I did and at around 3:52 my baby girl was born, my DH cut the cord and they took pictures, I told them that I wanted to tie my tubes and they said that they would put me on the list for 7am, they als said I have to be NPO after 12mid.I said ok. I also told them that we were hungry so they gave me a menu and I ordered dinner for me and my DH. The next day came,and mind you I'm NPO since 12 mid 7am came and went I'm still waiting to go down for surgery and starving 1pm came and still no word so I called the Dr's office and they tell me that the Dr. wanted to speak to me before I said what you telling me that I've been starving all day for nothing, the nurse said they been starving you and I said yes she said she was going to call the Dr. and call me back well she never called me back the hospital nurse came in and said that they will be coming to get me at 2 pm and when 2pm came I was on my way to have my surgery, that was the worst feeling ever because I had 6 natural child birth to go through a spinal because that is the only way that they could of done it I felt so upset because I never had a spinal before and when I got it I was able to see the whole surgery because I was looking through the light and they explained to me what they were doing, but the feeling of not being able to move my legs was the scariest thing of all, they also kept asking me to move my toes and I couldn't I thought something was wrong but she assured me that is wasn't. when I got back to the room at around 4pm, I was having bad pains on my right side I wasn't able to use the bathroom until 6pm and it felt a whole lot better when I urinated. I went home on the 11/22 but I was having bad pains still and I was swelling on my right side they also discharged me with percaset (sp) which I took once in a while I tried to tolerate the pain as best as possible, it is a wk and 5 days since I been home and pain is just starting to fade. Willisha is doing good she weighed 6lbs and 4ozs when we left the hosp. She had an appt on the 28th and she was up to 6lbs 10ozs she is doing well and wants to nurse every hr the Dr. said not to nurse her more that a half hour, but I nurse her for as long as she wants and when she wants. Well this is my birth story sorry it was too long.
If anyone want pictures please feel free to e-mail me because I don't know how to post pics on site.

mother of 6
4 girls and 2 boys