happy Saturday
Hello to everyone
I am here at work and the office is closed right now so I thought I come and see how everyone is and where you are in your journey....
Sorry I haven't been around much I have been very busy....
So who's here and where are you in your journey?
don't forget to take your vitamins, water and exercise....


Hi Christine!
I used to live in the Bronx, was born and raised there, so I know the city well!
I'm up here in the burbs now though, in Dutchess County.
I wish I could read the messageboards at work. I work for my HMO and they have EVERYTHING blocked.
I had my surgery 6 weeks ago, so I'm still a bit of a newbie, learning what works and what doesn't and trying to keep from eating too fast now that I'm on "regular" food (so that I don't puke)!
I'm doing good with vitamins and exercise and trying my best to up my water intake. I used to drink a gallon a day so the hardest thing for me has been realizing that I can't drink like I used to right now!!
But I am still SO happy I had this surgery!
Nice to meet new people and fellow NY'ers!

you are difinitly a shrinking violet now......glad you were able to come in today.....
some department here at work no longer have internet service...I do cause I work from the internet......
very important to take small bites of food and chew chew chew til it is all mush.....you don't want to get anything stuck in your pouch.....glad you are taking your vitamins and keep trying to get in your water...have you tried the crystal lite....I seem to be able to drink more when I put it in my bottle of water....but you are still very new at this and in time you will be drinking it all up.....keep up the good work....
have a great week-end and dress warm....

im here and around today checking on the board as i usually do.
I just had my six month check up this thrusday and my doctor
is very pleased with my progress. AS of this AM i am down 116 lbs
and feeling great. ALL my labs were 100 percent perfect.
I am pretty happy, just wish my hair would be done wit the hair
thinning stage!
GLAD you found a few to stop in and say hello!
Hi Lisa
Wow 6 months and down 116 lbs 

you are doing so great keep up the good work....and labs at 100 % that is so good to hear.....
Now for the thining hair......it can take time for that to stop mine just stop thining and started growing back in and I am almost 11 months out....hang in there it will stop.....
I hope you had a wonderful week=end

Hi Christine,
I am just 5 days out, home and doing great! Everyday is getting a little easier to get my liquids in. I am still very bloated and trying to walk that out, hard to get much walking in here at the house, but I poop out real fast so I guess I couldn't go very far anyway. I have a question, my nutritionist stopped in at the hospital to see me, I was so out of it when she came in that I can't remember if I am supposed to start my vitamins now or after I get my staples out. I can call her on Monday but I thought I would ask here and see what you all did. I do have a crusher if I need to use it even with the chewables. As for my water I am finding it hard to get all that in, especially since all but my jello is liquids too.
I hope soon to post a loss, but still have the post op bloat. I think I am still above my pre op weight from all the fluid buildup. I am still sleeping alot, and I probably need it, plus the meds I am on are pretty powerful. But they work great so I will keep taking them. I am not in a lot of pain, mostly gas pain, alot of pressure and a lot of itchy spots especially at the point where my drain grenade is coming out of the skin.
All is well though and I have NO regrets, I had an awesome staff at the hospital and a great support system here at home. I will succeed.
Have a wonderful day,
Shannon Arnold
257/???/130 here I come
Shannon glad you are getting to move around alittle bit.....I know being in the house doesn't make it easy to walk thou....so just make a couple of trips around the kitchen and living room.....it will also help with the gas.....sorry you are still bloated with the fluids....that can be depressing but you know what to expect so you already know not to get alarmed.....
The water will happen hun so don't stress about it...you are getting in the broths teas and other fluids that count as water....as for the vitamins I didn't start taking them til I was 4 weeks out...but every surgeon is different so you should call the office and ask them.....
I am sure you will succeed so hang in there and go with the flow....and you will soon have a loss to report I'm sure of that...
you have a great ay hun

Hi Christine
OMG, its been such a long time, how are you? your family? Evelyn? Hope everything is great.
Believe it or not i am 2 weeks post op plastics!!!!! I couldn't be happier. I've got perky boobs and non sagging thighs and the recovery has been amazingly smooth. Thank God. I will have to do the tummy and butt another time. My doctor was so awesome. I never imagined I would move that quickly but hey that is how it worked out. I am down 175 pounds. to 155 I would love to be 150 but that is just a number at this point.
Again, I hope you are well and would love to get together again some time.
Take care, Tina
Tina yes it has been a long time....and I'm sorry for that.....I'm doing well, Evelyn is also well and on the go....can't keep track of her anymore I did visit her saturday night she had a pocket book party,....
WOW 2 weeks post-op plastics....that is great.....are you sore or in any pain.....did your insurance cover it or did you have to pay out of pocket....which surgeon did you use....I started my process for PS but I don't know how long it will take for approval......
so perky boobs I like that Idea and no sagging thighs.....how did you come to your decision about doing the thighs and boobs and waiting on the tummy tuck....I know 100 questions.....but this is interesting and I think the new people on the board would love to hear about it and so would I .....
Glad you are doing well.... I hope the family is well also....I hope to talk to you soon,....