funny story
Tavia V
on 12/1/05 2:53 am - Long Island, NY
on 12/1/05 2:53 am - Long Island, NY
My husband went out to the ATM last night while I was taking a snore. He thought I went to bed for the night but I woke up b/c I was really thirsty. I then went into the kitchen to ge****er. Right away I noticed this familiar yet gross smell. I opened up the fridge to get my water and I notced a open honey mustard mcdonalds dipping sauce from sitting on the bottom shelf. Uh I know I didnt put that there!
It turns out my husband stopped at mcdonalds and got some mcnuggets and fries. He heard me coming down the hall and quickly had to hide the "evidence" before I came in the room. He knew he was caught b/c nothing gets by my sense of smell for foods like that nowadays.
He quickly stashed the food in the laundry hamper b/c he knew i was going to open the fridge! He just didnt want to make me feel bad. He knows I dont care about people eating in front of me(let alone bad stuff). He so looked like a deer caught in the head lights when I came in the room. He then confeses he drank a large chocolate shake while he was driving home and then threw it out the window. My poor husband.
I wonder if he has stashes around the house like that woman in sonic commerical. Hee-Hee. Take care everyone.

(deactivated member)
on 12/1/05 4:24 am - MT
on 12/1/05 4:24 am - MT
Hun that is so funny.
My hubby has gotten so much better but he would NOT eat just because he was nervous I was going to get upset but that only lasted 2 weeks after being home and I yelled at him to EAT.
I know it is nice of them and they mean well but it is so funny to see them when you call them on it.
Hey I have been trying to contact you for a while now but you are never home or screening your calls, just know that I was thinking about you! 
Debra P

Tavia V
on 12/1/05 7:55 am - Long Island, NY
on 12/1/05 7:55 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Deb,
I am sorry I have not returned your call.
You know me I am either at numerous doctors office or the surgeons office, or the hospital nowadays.
When I am home, I am either sleeping or watching my three year old *****fuses to let me do ANYTHING that doesnt involve him in one way or another.(anyone who as a young only child knows what I am talking about.) His toys and "stuff" are all in my basement, which is where we spend most of our time. I do not have a phone line down there so I never hear the phone ring. The second my husband comes home, I cook(nothing I can eat) then I go lay down, which usually involves me falling asleep for a few hours until I wake up b/c I'm really thirsty or one of my cat jumps on me and wakes me up. Stupid cats.
God bless my husband for doing so much and NEVER complaining at all about anything. He just so worries about me, ugh. I love him so much. I swear I do not know what I would do w/out him.

You have a great hubby sounds like a keeper.
CANT say i have a keeper!
THANKS for sharing too cute!
heres what mine recently did like last week:
HE bought diet caffine free diet coke...for me
a 12 pack. HELLO...i havent touched a diet soda
or any soda for that matter since my first appointment
with the surgeon. I had a diet pepsi addiction and i broke
that pre op....I dont i know where has he been while i havent
drank soda...i have said CLEARLY many times i cant have that
anymore. GO FIGURE!
BUT anyway you have a great man TAVIA, but your a great
women that is so deserving of such a prince. ALL the best
Hi Tavia,
First of all, I am glad to see you on the boards. I hope that you are feeling okay today. I also pray for you to get well for Christmas. You should enjoy that adorable little boy of yours.
Second, You have a sweety for a husband--I guess that he is a big part of the reason that you keep your positive attitude.
He tries so hard not to stress you with foods that are bad for you.
Give him a big kiss for being a good guy!
Be Blessed
Marian S.C.
242.4/200/goal 130
That is so funny & sweet. My husband is putting on weight. But he does the cooking for all of us. He is never sure what I will eat or not eat & has a hard time pleasing me. I am not easy to please when it comes to food, I'm picky! But that never stopped me from gining! lol.
Keep your Hubby he is a Sweetie!

I am cracking up and holding my belly so I don't blow a staple. How cute is your hubby, he sounds wonderful Tavia, My family is so worried that it will bother me too. I told them I am ok with whatever they want to eat. Thanks for the great story.
The laudry hamper, LOLOLOL that just too funny
Have a great day,
Shannon Arnold