Open vs Lap
I am in the process of losing a 10% required pre op weight and am still going back and forth about whether it's best to have the RNY surgery done laproscopically or open. While I understand that there are a lot of personal/health issues that go into making this decision, I am interested hearing from those of you who had the open surgery done to hear about your recuperation and any difficulties you might have experienced post operatively. Also, if any of you have had Dr. Rosotti @ AMC in particular, I would be grateful for your feedback.
Thank you friends!

I had my RNY surgery on 9/13/05 and mine was done lap. I didn't have any problems. My husband had his RNY surgery done on 11/1/05 and his started out lap, but then he had to be opened. Honestly, he took it easy and so far he hasn't had any problems. He had his staples out on 11/22/05 and he healed very well. He moved slow for a while and was really sore for a while but that was really it. Oh one of the staples opened a little bit and he did experience oozing from it for a few days (that was messy and annoying). He was only in the hospital 2 days and then came home and recovered the rest of the time at home.
Good luck with your decision.
Hi Amy,
I had RNY laproscopically--and truthfully, if it wasn't for the six little mosquito bite marks (they certainly don't look like major surgery scars)
and the fact that I am losing weight--I wouldn't know that I had surgery at all.
I feel good --I recovered very fast. I was up the day after surgery and I had no complications at all so far.
It's your choice --but I recommend laproscopic--If you are vain about scars.
I am happy as a clam about my mosquito bite marks!
Be blessed!
Marian S.C.