Anyone had Dr.Thad Boss? H.H.Rochester
I was wondering if anyone who had Dr. Boss could tell me if he requires a weight loss before surgery.I'm dieting now(trying anyway) but I don't want to lose 30lbs and have him ask me to lose 20 before I can get the surgery.I'm sure you all know how hard it is to lose wieght after all the water wieght is gone.I have 3 more appiontments with the nutritionist.I gotta make her happy too! LOL .Thanks for your help. Darlene

Dr Boss is my surgeon. You picked a great one!!!!!! I had no pre-op diet, I actually could eat "normally" until midnight the night before. So I had Bill Grays
. Between you and me, I actually gained a couple of pounds before surgery
The staff at Highland is great as well. Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions.

Micha, Thanks for your response. I would have replied sooner but my " room mate" decided to take the computer apart.Now its back together (thank God!!!) I tried to diet last week some and the scale at the ymca said I lost 5 lbs but its hard to tell between water wieght and the pms!!!
Maybe I'm wierd but as this all is getting closer I want everything.Like I'm never gonna eat again!!
Thats pretty sad that food is that important to me.I read your profile and I,m alot like your family.I'm the fast food queen.Mcdonalds should help pay for this wls!!!! LOL .Well thanks again.