small update
Tavia V
on 11/29/05 1:37 am - Long Island, NY
on 11/29/05 1:37 am - Long Island, NY
Hi guys!
I thought I would update everyone on me, considering I seem to be getting some of your worried. I didnt disappear!
My breathing is a lot better but the steriods and breathing treatments are making me very nausous. The steriods are really hard on my pouch so I am not eating so much nowadays. I take a couple of RX to help calm my stomach down so I can get the steriods down. The last thing I want to do is end up back in the hospital on a steriod drip, yuck. I went to my pcp yesturday who said my lungs sounded pretty good but whats to see me again on monday, then he will probably take me off the prednisone, yay! I am also taking some more meds to rule out gastritis.
It's funny(well maybe not so funny) but the GI doctor told me on friday that my case was a big disaster.
I tattled to the surgeon which made him very annoyed...come on, image how that comment made me feel, geez. Like he says I cant get a break.
Anyway, this friday I am going to the hospital to do a modified upper GI series mixed with food. Yummy. The surgeon wants to watch the food go down to figure out where/why it isnt passing. I am so not looking forward to "lets watch tavia get a stomach ache test" but what can you do?
My husband says that I am like Harry Potter w/my saga that doesnt end. I'm the sweetest most laid-back person you can ever meet who has had it so f-in hard. But the thing is, I am not giving up nor will I let anyone tell me its in my head. You would never know I have all of these problems if you met me, I swear. My PCP got one of the nurses teary eyed last week in the hospital when he was explaining my situation to her.
I also have the scar that itches just like Harrys does when "the one you do not speak of" is near. Hee-Hee. I swear when I get nervous(I am assuming b/c of blood rushing) my second surgery scar itches like crazy.
Fun stuff! Take care everyone!

THANKS for the update TAVIA!
we doo care...we do worry.
I am glad your being persistant and your
in my prayers that this test...(ur too funny
how you described it, LOL) will help solve
things and get answers you so deserve.
We support you 100 percent! KEEP being
perisitant, its not in your head and we know that. YOUR
in my prayers, totally !
Hey Girl, I'm glad to hear whats going on. One day this will all be over, and you will be able to marvel how you got through it all. With love & support from your family & us guys! Did I tell you my last name used to be Ratner, and is the name of my twins(smile)
Feel better real soon, email if you want,

I am so glad to hear from you. I have been lurking and I read as much as I can. I am so inspired by your strong will. Keep up the fight and I know that you will be better soon.
I go to my surgeon today and if my last endoscopy came back okay I am hoping she will give me my date.
But enough about me, I sincerely like to hear how things are going.
(Still waiting for a date)